Health Alert: Very Contagious Virus On The Rise In California – – The Mother Lode’s Local News, Sports, Weather, Movies, Classifieds, Yellow Pages, Real Estate
CDPH Norovirus on the rise in California with chart on washing hands Sonora, CA—The California Department of Public Health is warning the public about a rise in a highly contagious virus in the state.The norovirus, also called the “stomach flu,” spreads easily, causing vomiting, diarrhea, nausea and stomach cramps. While exact numbers are not available due to unreported cases, the virus is responsible for 900 deaths every year, mostly in people aged 65 and older. Those infected can spread the virus during symptoms and two days (48 hours) after they stop. State health officials offer these tips to prevent the spread of the germ:The virus can be spread in several ways, including touching, caring for, or sharing food or objects with a sick person, including changing diapers. Click here to find out more ways it spreads.Written by Tracey Petersen.Sign up for our Breaking News Alerts and the Daily Newsletters by clicking here. Report breaking news, traffic or weather to our News Hotline (209) 532-6397. Send Mother Lode News Story photos to our Health Section, under the “Community” tab or keyword: health.