Gov. Kemp Declares Statewide State of Emergency Ahead of Winter Weather –

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January 09, 2025
ATLANTA – Governor Brian P. Kemp today declared a statewide State of Emergency, effective immediately through Tuesday, January 14, 2025, in preparation for the approaching winter storm expected to impact Georgia beginning this Friday. The State of Emergency authorizes the Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency (GEMA/HS) to activate the State Operations Center (SOC) and mobilize any needed resources to address potential impacts. GEMA/HS, the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT), the Georgia Department of Public Safety (DPS), and other state agencies are instructed to provide essential personnel to the SOC, which will move to a Level 2 Activation beginning tonight at 7 p.m.”The Georgia Department of Transportation, along with the Department of Public Safety, began treating roads early this morning to prepare for the approaching winter storm, and I’m asking all Georgians to help them do their jobs by limiting travel as much as possible in the coming days,” said Governor Brian Kemp. “Hazardous conditions, including ice and snow, can develop quickly and make travel very dangerous. Plan ahead and stay tuned to updates from state and local officials to ensure you and your loved ones remain safe while our first responders continue to work tirelessly throughout this weather event.”Among other provisions, the State of Emergency order prohibits price gouging; suspends hours-of-service limitations for commercial vehicle operators involved in response activities; and temporarily increases weight, height, and length limits for commercial vehicles transporting essential supplies.Current Weather Forecast:State Action and Preparation:GDOT vehicles and crews have begun brining roads this morning, particularly in areas north of and along I-20. Residents are encouraged to avoid travel in the most impacted areas, if at all possible. If travel is necessary, motorists should give plenty of space and clearance to allow GDOT crews to continue to treat and clear roads as needed for the safety of the traveling public.The Motor Carrier Compliance Division has partnered with GDOT to escort brining details across the metro area into northern Georgia to the Tennessee line. DPS Troopers and Officers will be on standby across the state for any service calls regarding the winter weather and the needs of the state.Winter Weather Preparedness Guidance:Residents should check with their local officials for information about warming centers and comfort station locations. State parks with warming centers can be found here. More tips are as follows:For more winter weather preparedness tips, visit will provide ongoing updates regarding winter weather conditions via its website ( and social media accounts. Residents are encouraged to monitor local National Weather Service updates and news stations. As part of the Office of the Governor, the Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency collaborates with local, state and federal governments in partnership with private sector and non-governmental organizations to protect life and property against man-made and natural emergencies. GEMA/HS’s Ready Georgia website and preparedness campaign provides Georgians with the knowledge needed to effectively prepare for disasters. Go to for information on developing a custom emergency plan and Ready kit.