Game designer reveals simple strategy to always beat your opponent when playing rock, paper, scissors – LADbible

To make sure you never miss out on your favourite NEW stories, we’re happy to send you some remindersClick ‘OK’ then ‘Allow’ to enable notificationsBritt JonesIf you’ve ever been the constant loser of games between your friends and family, be prepared to reign supreme from now on.Whether it’s been a few years of losing on Monopoly, Uno or on a console of some sort, there’s only so much loss one person can take.Thankfully, a game designer has the ultimate strategy which can see you win every time at Rock, Paper, Scissors against anyone.AdvertThe New Yorker called Nick Metzler posed on TikTok under his @nickmetzler1 account and showed his followers how to beat out the competition.He said that there’s only one tactic which works nearly half the time, and the rest is down to your own stealth.In a video posted last week, Metzler explained that it’s all about psychology and this determines what hand someone is going to play.AdvertHe revealed: “When people say ‘rock, paper, scissors, shoot’, they’re going to throw one of these three items.“But how can you predict what they’re going to throw? The answer might surprise you.”He shared that when people say things out loud, it’s going to have an impact on what option they choose.Particularly when it comes to the first and last thing mentioned.AdvertSo, if someone says ‘rock, paper, scissors’, they’re likely to either play rock or scissors so you need to know what to choose so you can win instantly.As for Metzler, he’s got his own favourite pick to start the game off with.He explained that choosing rock on your first go will either make you a winner or it’ll tie you with them if they choose scissors.If they choose paper, it’s all over and there’s nothing really you can do with that.AdvertBut that’s rare.“Most people never open with paper, and that’s honestly a good thing because they learned through a good experience that if they lead with paper, they will often lose because most people do either rock or scissors,” Metzler explained.He revealed that his strategy should work around 40 per cent of the time, so while it’s not making sure you win every time, it is enhancing your natural chances.AdvertHe said: “When scissors get thrown, about half the time, you lose with paper, so it’s actually not a great strategy to start with paper.”Metzler added: “I usually do rock, and if I win, I will switch. If I tie, I will remain the same. If I lose [and] somebody does paper, then give them the win.“Like, who starts with paper? How ridiculous is that?”Commenters were quick to talk about his strategy and even introduce some of their own with one writing: “If you want to get an edge throw the same thing everytime.”Another commented: “Now I’m going to send this to everyone I play rock paper, scissors, too, and then start with PAPER.”Someone else said: “I’m not sure when I’ll ever be able to use this in my adult life. But I’m 100% using paper every time.”Topics: TikTok, Gaming, Social Media, HacksAdvertAdvertAdvertLAD EntertainmentLAD Stories