For years, they were invisible. On Saturday, all of Israel’s eyes were on the IDF spotters – Haaretz

Hundreds of people gathered at Hostages’ Square to watch the release of four IDF women spotters. ‘A dark cloud hovers over this release,’ said one, with one spotter still left behind. As the four appeared on-screen, smiling, standing tall, and full of life, the crowd erupted in cheers of happinessPeople entering Tel Aviv’s Hostage Square on Saturday morning moved with some unease. People walked slowly, taking small steps, as if they had hesitated showing up this time. No one knew if they had come in order to share a welcome moment of relief, or even joy, as had occurred the previous week, or whether this would be a painful event. No one knew what Karina, Naama, Liri and Daniella would look like after 477 days of captivity.