Fishers find rare young spinner shark in waters of Southern New England – Turn to 10

Now 29 Fri 41 Sat 33by NBC 10 NEWSTOPICS:(WJAR) — Last September, fishermen were fishing in the waters of Southern New England when they made a rare catch.Capt. Carl Granquist, fishing off the waters south of Charlestown, Rhode Island, brought aboard a small shark he couldn’t identify.He videotaped himself measuring the shark before releasing it. The captain then reached out to the Atlantic Shark Institute.After some discussion, the 24-inch shark was identified as a spinner shark.What made that extraordinary was that New England waters are typically not where this type of species create a nursing habitat. The institute says that area is usually from the Carolinas to Florida.But this young shark was with had a partially healed umbilical wound.The institute doesn’t know if this was a stray situation or if climate change has contributed to this find.“Our oceans are changing, known habitats are changing, and what we knew to be the case only 10 years ago may no longer be accurate. That is both exciting and disconcerting,” said ASI Executive Director Jon Dodd.