Federal Reserve Board announces the designation of the Chairs and Deputy Chairs of the 12 Federal Reserve Banks for 2025 – Federal Reserve

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January 13, 2025For release at 10:00 a.m. EST
The Federal Reserve Board on Monday announced the designation of the Chairs and Deputy Chairs of the 12 Federal Reserve Banks for 2025.Each Reserve Bank has a nine-member board of directors. The Board of Governors in Washington appoints three of these directors and each year designates one of its appointees as Chair and a second as Deputy Chair.Following are the names of the Chairs and Deputy Chairs designated by the Board for 2025:Boston
Roger W. Crandall, chairman, president, and chief executive officer, Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company, Springfield, Massachusetts, named Chair.Lizanne Kindler, executive chair and chief executive officer, KnitWell Group, Hingham, Massachusetts, named Deputy Chair.New York
Pat Wang, president and chief executive officer, Healthfirst, New York, New York, named Chair.Rajiv J. Shah, MD, president, The Rockefeller Foundation, New York, New York, named Deputy Chair.Philadelphia
Anthony A. Ibargüen, chief executive officer, Quench USA, Inc. and executive chair, Culligan Latin America, King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, renamed Chair.William Lo, chief executive officer, Crystal Steel Fabricators, Inc., Delmar, Delaware, named Deputy Chair.Cleveland
Heidi L. Gartland, chief government and community affairs officer, University Hospitals, Cleveland, Ohio, renamed Chair.Richard J. Kramer, former chair, chief executive officer, and president, The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio renamed Deputy Chair.Richmond
Lisa M. Lawson, president and chief executive officer, The Annie E. Casey Foundation, Baltimore, Maryland, named Chair.Halsey M. Cook, president and chief executive officer, Milliken & Company, Spartanburg, South Carolina, named Deputy Chair.Atlanta
Gregory A. Haile, equity partner, Strategos Group and senior fellow, Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Business and Government, Harvard Kennedy School, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, named Chair.James O. Etheredge, former chief executive officer, Accenture North America, Atlanta, Georgia, named Deputy Chair.Chicago
Jennifer Scanlon, president and chief executive officer, UL Solutions, Northbrook, Illinois, renamed Chair.Juan Salgado, chancellor, City Colleges of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, renamed Deputy Chair.St. Louis
Carolyn Chism Hardy, president and chief executive officer, Chism Hardy Investments and Hardy Beverages, Bartlett, Tennessee, renamed Chair.Surendralal Karsanbhai, president and chief executive officer, Emerson Electric Company, St. Louis, Missouri, renamed Deputy Chair.Minneapolis
Chris M. Hilger, chairman, president, and chief executive officer, Securian Financial, St. Paul, Minnesota, renamed Chair.Paul D. Williams, retired president and chief executive officer, Project for Pride in Living, Minneapolis, Minnesota, renamed Deputy Chair.Kansas City
Patrick A. Dujakovich, president, Greater Kansas City AFL-CIO, Kansas City, Missouri, renamed Chair.Jandel Allen-Davis, M.D., president and chief executive officer, Craig Hospital, Englewood, Colorado, renamed Deputy Chair.Dallas
Claudia Aguirre, president and chief executive officer, BakerRipley, Houston, Texas, named Chair.Gary C. Kelly, chairman emeritus, Southwest Airlines, Dallas, Texas, named Deputy Chair.San Francisco
Russell A. Childs, chief executive officer and president, SkyWest, Inc., St. George, Utah, named Chair.Pallavi Mehta Wahi, managing partner, Seattle office, K&L Gates, LLP, named Deputy Chair.The Board also updated statistical tables on its website about the gender and race/ethnicity of Reserve Bank boards of directors and about the sectors represented by those directors. Similar details about Reserve Bank Branch boards of directors will be published in the coming weeks.For media inquiries, please email [email protected] or call 202-452-2955.Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System20th Street and Constitution Avenue N.W., Washington, DC 20551
Source: https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/pressreleases/other20250113a.htm