FDEP Fines Blue Origin $3000 For New Glenn Stage 2 Static Fire Water Deluge – Talk of Titusville

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection has fined Blue Origin $3000 plus costs for conducting a static fire of New Glenn’s second stage prior to the department issuing the company a permit to use Launch Complex 36’s water deluge system. The total amount came to $3,250, a nominal fine for the violation.Basically, what happened is this: Blue Origin conducted a static fire test on the launch pad in September 2024. As part of the test, they employed the pad’s water deluge system before all the permitting had been issued, which was completed the first week of November last year. As a result, FDEP notified Blue Origin that they had violated the law, saying, “While Blue Origin applied for a permit for the LC-36 deluge system on May 31, 2024, no permit has been issued to date and the system may not be placed into service. This static fire appears to constitute an intentional unauthorized discharge of untreated industrial wastewater to the environment.” The matter came to an apparent conclusion today, when FDEP sent Blue Origin this letter:Blue Origin has not spoken publicly on the violation. […] The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) fined Blue Origin $3,000 (a paltry $3,250 plus costs) for unauthorized use of a water deluge system during a static fire test of its rocket. New Glenn, according to local media. information. […][…] أصدرت إدارة حماية البيئة في فلوريدا (FDEP) غرامة قدرها 3000 دولار (إضافة ما يصل إلى 3250 دولارًا أمريكيًا بالإضافة إلى التكاليف) لشركة Blue Origin بسبب الاستخدام غير المصرح به لنظام طوفان المياه أثناء اختبار الحريق الثابت لصاروخ New Glenn، وفقًا لوسائل الإعلام المحلية. التقارير. […][…] The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) issued a $3,000 fine (plus a small $3,250 plus costs) to Blue Origin for unauthorized use of a water deluge system during a static fire test in New Glenn rocket, according to local media reports. […][…] The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) issued a $3,000 fine (adding up to a paltry $3,250 plus costs) to Blue Origin for the unauthorized use of a water deluge system during a static fire test of its New Glenn rocket, according to local media reports. […][…] Het Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) heeft Blue Origin een boete van $3.000 opgelegd (wat neerkomt op een schamele $3.250 plus kosten) voor het ongeoorloofd gebruik van een wateroverstromingssysteem tijdens een statische brandtest van zijn New Glenn-raket, aldus lokale media rapporten. […][…] The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) issued a $3,000 fine (plus a paltry $3,250 plus costs) to Blue Origin for unauthorized use of a water deluge system during a static fire test of his New Glenn rocket, according to local media. reports. […][…] The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) issued a $3,000 fine (adding up to a paltry $3,250 plus costs) to Blue Origin for the unauthorized use of a water deluge system during a static fire test of its New Glenn rocket, according to local media reports. […][…] The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) issued a $3,000 fine (adding up to a paltry $3,250 plus costs) to Blue Origin for unauthorized use of a water deluge system during a static fire test of the New Glenn rocket, according to local media reports. […][…] O Departamento de Proteção Ambiental da Flórida (FDEP) emitiu uma multa de US$ 3.000 (somando insignificantes US$ 3.250 mais custos) à Blue Origin pelo uso não autorizado de um sistema de dilúvio de água durante um teste de fogo estático de seu foguete New Glenn, de acordo com a mídia local. relatórios. […][…] The Florida Division of Environmental Safety (FDEP) issued a $3,000 high-quality (including as much as a paltry $3,250 plus prices) to Blue Origin for the unauthorized use of a water deluge system throughout a static hearth check of its New Glenn rocket, based on native media reports. […][…] The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) issued a $3,000 fine (adding up to a paltry $3,250 plus costs) to Blue Origin for the unauthorized use of a water deluge system during a static fire test of its New Glenn rocket, according to local media reports. […][…] The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) fined Blue Origin $3,000 (plus a paltry $3,250 plus costs) for unauthorized use of a deluge system during a static fire test of its New Glenn rocket, according to local media reports. […][…] Yerel basında çıkan haberlere göre Florida Çevre Koruma Bakanlığı (FDEP), New Glenn roketinin statik atış testi sırasında su baskını sisteminin izinsiz kullanımı nedeniyle Blue Origin’e 3.000 dolar para cezası verdi (buna 3.250 dolar artı maliyet eklendi). raporlar. […][…] The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) issued a $3,000 fine (which adds up to a paltry $3,250 plus costs) to Blue Origin for unauthorized use of a water deluge system during a test of static fire from its New Glenn rocket, according to local media. reports. […][…] The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) has issued a $3,000 fine (add up to $3,250 plus costs) to Blue Origin for unauthorized use of a water deluge system during static fire testing of the New Glenn rocket, according to local media. Reports. […][…] The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) fined Blue Origin $3,000 ($3,250 plus costs) for unauthorized use of a water immersion system during a static fire test of its New Glenn rocket, according to local media. the reports. […][…] The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) issued a $3,000 fine (adding up to a paltry $3,250 plus costs) to Blue Origin for the unauthorized use of a water deluge system during a static fire test of its New Glenn rocket, according to local media reports. […][…] The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) issued a $3,000 fine (total maximum $3,250 plus costs) to Blue Origin for unauthorized use of its flooding system during a constant fire test of its New Glenn rocket, according to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP). local media reports report– […][…] The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) issued Blue Origin a $3,000 fine (plus a modest $3,250 plus costs) for unauthorized use of a water deluge system during static fire tests of its New Glen rocket, according to local media. Report. […][…] The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) issued a $3,000 fine (adding up to a paltry $3,250 plus costs) to Blue Origin for the unauthorized use of a water deluge system during a static fire test of its New Glenn rocket, according to local media reports. […][…] The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) fined Blue Origin $3,000 (a paltry $3,250 plus costs) for unauthorized use of a deluge system of water during a static fire test of its New Glenn rocket, according to local media. reports. […][…] The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) has fined Blue Origin $3,000 (up to $3,250 in surcharges) for unauthorized use of the deluge system during the static fire test of the New Glenn rocket reports. […][…] The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) issued a $3,000 fine (adding up to a paltry $3,250 plus costs) to Blue Origin for the unauthorized use of a water deluge system during a static fire test of its New Glenn rocket, according to local media reports. […][…] The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) issued a $3,000 fine (plus a minimum of $3,250 plus fees) to Blue Origin for illegally using a water deluge system during the test fire of its New Glenn rocket, according to local media. reports. […][…] The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) issued a $3,000 fine (adding up to a paltry $3,250 plus costs) to Blue Origin for the unauthorized use of a water deluge system during a static fire test of its New Glenn rocket, according to local media reports. […][…] The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) fined Blue Origin $3,000 (a paltry $3,250 plus costs) for unauthorized use of a water deluge system during a static fire test of its rocket. New Glenn, according to local media. information. […][…] El Departamento de Protección Ambiental de Florida (FDEP) impuso una multa de 3.000 dólares (que suman unos irrisorios 3.250 dólares más costes) a Blue Origin por el uso no autorizado de un sistema de diluvio de agua durante una prueba de fuego estático de su cohete New Glenn, según medios locales. informes. […][…] The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) issued a $3,000 fine (plus a minimum of $3,250 plus fees) to Blue Origin for illegally using a water deluge system during the test fire of its New Glenn rocket, according to local media. reports. […][…] The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) issued a $3,000 fine (adding up to a paltry $3,250 plus costs) to Blue Origin for the unauthorized use of a water deluge system during a static fire test of its New Glenn rocket, according to local media reports. […]Subscribe to our article alerts. and we’ll send you an email every time we publish a new article
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