Elon Musk calls for NASA to investigate mysterious ‘square structure’ on Mars – Euro Weekly News

Mission Statement: to assist the integration of foreign residents living in SpainIt is often said that knowledge is power, and this is never more accurate than when you establish yourself as a foreign resident in a new country, like Spain. Being able to quickly familiarise yourself with the culture, rules, events, and customs can help ease the transition during a challenging time.This is why Euro Weekly News makes it our mission to provide you with a free news resource in English that covers both regional and national Spanish news – anything that we feel you will benefit from knowing as you integrate into your new community and live your best life in Spain. In this way, you can forget about translating articles from Spanish into awkward English that probably don’t make much sense. Let us be your convenient and essential guide to all things that will likely affect you as a foreign resident living in Spain.AlmeriaAxarquiaCosta Blanca NorthCosta Blanca SouthCosta del SolCosta CalidaMallorcaSocial Scene – Costa del SolIt is often said that knowledge is power, and this is never more accurate than when you establish yourself as a foreign resident in a new country, like Spain. Being able to quickly familiarise yourself with the culture, rules, events, and customs can help ease the transition during a challenging time.This is why Euro Weekly News makes it our mission to provide you with a free news resource in English that covers both regional and national Spanish news – anything that we feel you will benefit from knowing as you integrate into your new community and live your best life in Spain. In this way, you can forget about translating articles from Spanish into awkward English that probably don’t make much sense. Let us be your convenient and essential guide to all things that will likely affect you as a foreign resident living in Spain.AlmeriaAxarquiaCosta Blanca NorthCosta Blanca SouthCosta del SolCosta CalidaMallorcaSocial Scene – Costa del Sol
By Marc Menendez-Roche •
Updated: 05 Feb 2025 • 19:46 • 2 minutes read
Enhanced NASA image of the Martian square. The image has been enhanced to make the square more visible. Credit: NASA/JPL/Malin Space Science Systems via Mars Orbiter Camera, Arizona State University’s Mars image explorer. All eyes are on the Red Planet once again after a bizarre ‘square structure’ on the Martian surface caused a cosmic commotion online. SpaceX mogul Elon Musk fuelled the frenzy by posting on X (formerly Twitter), “We should send astronauts to Mars to investigate,” while infamous podcaster Joe Rogan also joined in the speculation. Is this finally the evidence we’ve all been waiting for…?A newly resurfaced NASA Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Mars Orbiter Camera snap shows a rugged region around 3 kilometres (1.9 miles) wide. In the image, there’s a suggestively square(ish) feature that’s sparked heated chatter on social media and Reddit. Some swear it’s the remnants of an ancient Martian civilisation, claiming that ‘nature never makes neat squares’. But hold on to your space helmets – experts say the image has been edited to emphasise the shape, and even in the raw photo you’d have to squint to see anything distinctly rectangular.While the photo lingered in relative obscurity for some time, it took off faster than a Falcon rocket once Joe Rogan discussed it on his show. Elon Musk then stepped in with his trademark enthusiasm, urging a manned mission to see for ourselves. But not everyone’s ready to book a one-way ticket to the Red Planet just yet. So why do we see squares, faces, or even Elvis in our toast? Blame pareidolia – our evolved tendency to spot meaningful patterns (like a lurking lion!) in random visuals. Carl Sagan famously noted that our ancestors who ran from anything resembling a predator were more likely to survive. So if you’re primed to pick out potential perils, it’s natural you might see squares on Mars – or canals, or pyramids, or the occasional ‘avocado rock’.While we haven’t found conclusive proof of little green men (or big square houses) on Mars, scientists are keen to keep looking. The only way to be sure is through rigorous research – and yes, maybe one day a fearless crew of astronauts. Read more news in English from around Spain.Get more news about living in Spain today. Share this storySubscribe to our Euro Weekly News alerts to get the latest stories into your inbox!
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Marc is a writer, teacher, and language enthusiast.
With a background in business and legal communication and an interest in educational neuroscience, Marc has spent over a decade teaching and writing.
Now, as part of the team at Euro Weekly News, Marc enjoys diving into entertaining topics and stories that matter to the community.
When he’s not writing, Marc loves practising martial arts, playing football, cooking up a storm in the kitchen, or spending quality time with friends and family, but above all, Marc enjoys spending time with his son, Macson. It’s just hype, a few rocks making .you think it’s some kind of building, I just hope musk knows what he’s doingI’m sure he does and anyway, what could go wrong? It’ll be fine.Please please please send Musk 👋🏼Brilliant please from me too x👍👍🤞Strap him to a Starship & bid him “bon voyage”.
I think he will find it to be the corner of a square on a 4 dimensional galactic chess board. At least I do hope so as it may just make him realise that maybe he isn’t the smartest, most important narcissist in the galaxy. I just hope he doesn’t get home sick.I was thinking the same thing great idea, he’s the one with the rockets. Send him thought he’d volunteered by now.Please take his crappy cars with him…He doesn’t!!!!Trying to get NASA to pay for his desire to go to Marsthis is straight rage bait for the ignorant… the less intelligent should really wake up & realize the media plays you like a fiddle & these goofy articles are just that…You think?Well said, remember when Musk was a hero? Couldn’t read a bad word printed about him. Regardless of his political views, he’s done more for the space program than any other billionaire.Easy to stump up ideas for space travel, like muskstick not that he would have the balls to go. But am sure he will suggest or bribe someone for a one way trip.It’s a weather bloon. It’s always a weather bloon🤣🤣🤣🤣True 🤔Balloon, you idiotThis is why we have not been visited by aliens, the see how smart some of us are notAll make believe, we don’t leave the surface of the earth, can’t get past the firmament. At the top they are all in the lie“…The image has been enhanced to make the square more visible…” – I think you meant ‘Altered, by drawing a square that’s not there. Show the original for a rue, non-biased representation.It could be heart shaped ( Valentine’s Day is fast approaching 🥰I was looking for the original. Forever the optimist.Just like the face on Mars, there is nothing of the kind, just a shadow. But they made a whole movie referencing it very sweet story but not reality.Are you sure that this isn’t another AI illusion?I think Elon Musk should lead the expedition himself. One wayTake Donald along.Very interesting if you can show more I will really appreciate itLike the face on Mars Nasa air brushed out the original then said the original was the fake when in truth the airbrushed copy is the fake.I bet it was once a pyramid structure 😉Maybe we could fly him to the moon and leave him there.Or even better snowflakes like youThank god we have people like Elon, maybe as humans we have a chance of survival into the future. With great leader like Elon and President Trump humanity has a chanceWow, here’s a Muskrat for sure, someone believes all his hype like his self driving car that would be ready in 2017, and his hyper loop, and his et cetera et cetera et cetera. get a grip the man’s not a genius.Oh dear! You have been deluded to thinking a criminal, a pathological liar and a closet nazi and narcissist are going to save the world! Too many fantasy movies maybe? Or just mentally weak and gullible to swallow anything those two throw out there?Dear Greg I hope you are joking about Elon and Trump !!! Together they could destroy the whole of civilization and not care about a thing as long as they are alive… But then with just being them 2 morons left one would have to be the male and the other his bitch and for one I think the bitch won’t be Trump 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 If I ruled I would them them 2 on their bikes to Mars and make sure there was no return trip, if you get what I mean 🤣😂Learn to spell and and you’re also a worthless person with no purpose (Donald trump is the president of the USA. Elon musk is revolutionizing the world for long term human existence.. your nothing)Get a grip…It’s photo shopUm it’s obviously a high resolution square the same as on Google mapsIf it was a structure it must have been massive to still be visible after billions of years of erosion.With all that is going on in the world today and this is where his brain is at. Maybe he can build an electric spaceship and if and when he gets there he might be able to find aplace to plug it in some where in that so called square. If there is life on Mars maybe they can sell the planet to him because he has so much money.🤔Dear Mr. Musk you can send me the one way ticket, cause I’m Canadian, who happens to loves cold remote places. Anytime:)AI can create literally ANY image you want these days – in hyper real detail, so these type of posts are effectively redundant 🤪It wasn’t that long ago you lot arrived here with your technology, riding horse back building castles and then boats and invading earth. I’m not surprised now you destroyed this planet you want to go home to marsDid you guys and girls hear! DJT won the election in a massive landslide and hired Elon musk ! USA USA USA!!!! No more crazy moron libs!!!Why would he do that..he could afford to find it if he so wishedLeave the Borg alone.The fact that features are continuous across the “edges” but the image intensity does not suggests it is a single image from the observing satellite that somehow was left uncorrected, nothing to see here, move along.Nobody Cares… especially about something some ignorant inbred Nazi says. He supports Trump, so he’s obviously not the genius everyone thinks he is… all he did was take mommy and daddy’s money to BUY other people’s companies… and Trump has proven that any idiot can make money if they’re given a life of privilege anf wealth to start with.Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Website
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