Donkey Kong Country Returns HD Estimated File Size Update – Nintendo Life

GuestGuestLogin | Sign UpNintendo LifeGuestLogin or Sign UpMake some space for the KongsDonkey Kong Country Returns HD rolls onto the Switch next week and Nintendo appears to have updated the estimated file size of the eShop download.According to the eshop, this new version (including the Wii and 3DS content) has dropped from 9.0GB to 8.3GB. As we previously mentioned, the sequel Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze is just 6.6GB in comparison.The price of the Switch eShop version is $59.99 / £49.99 or you can use a Nintendo Voucher to purchase it in select regions. Here’s what else you can expect when the ‘HD’ version of Donkey Kong Country Returns shows up on Switch next week:”Play the game as it was first designed for Wii, or reduce the difficulty for extra hearts and other goodies to make your journey a little easier. This barrel-blasting adventure is visually enhanced in HD for Nintendo Switch and includes the extra levels from the Nintendo 3DS version!”The official release takes place next weekDK and Diddy are back next weekIncluding the new Adventure BundleBuy Donkey Kong Country Returns HDWill you be picking up the Switch eShop version of this returning game? Let us know in the comments.[source]About Liam DoolanLiam is a news writer and reviewer for Nintendo Life and Pure Xbox. He’s been writing about games for more than 15 years and is a lifelong fan of Mario and Master Chief.Comments 62I’m still on the fence about this one. It is a great game, but I’ve already bought it twice, so although the Switch could be the best place to play it, im not convinced after watching the trailers and reactions/comparisons. I’m gonna wait for reviews to see if there are any other “surprises” than those already revealed in the trailersComplaining in 3….2….1….I don’t know about the file size but that price is pretty dang big for a game that came out in 2010!Donkey Kong Country Returns returns. #mysinglemysingleisdroppingisdroppingEven happier that I got this physically considering that size… in addition to getting it discounted from my usual retailer here in Italy and for the other reasons why I love getting physical games when I can (although I definitely won’t say no to digital ones when that’s the only way to do so and/or significantly better discounts)!In comparison, an average banana is 108 kcalories.I don’t have figures for a 15 years old banana, though.Friendly reminder that you can get this day one for €49,50/$49.99/£42 etc. digitally with the NSO vouchers, physically in several regions for the same price if not lower thanks to discounts by retailers and of course even better ones down the line digitally and/or physically – again, considering all that I don’t get the insistence on the starting price and not just for this game!I’m wanted this to be 100gb of the most detailed fur of any game ever. No sale 👎It is a great game but there’s plenty of other games that i could be buying at that price that are actually new or something I’ve never played. Though i must say it will be nice not to have to dig out my Wii to play that one.Now bring on whatever Nintendo is cooking up after the switch!Remember when it was being announced by the end of the fiscal year? Now it’s sometime this fiscal year. What the heck is a fiscal year anyway? Just say it’ll be out sometime between now and when hell freezes over, sheesh!I still have this for the Wii and 3DS so I have no need for this. If you haven’t played this game I would definitely recommend it but that being said 60 is a bit steep for a 15 year old game so perhaps you should wait for a Sale instead.@JohnnyMind Where do you get these vouchers?Yet another overpriced remaster…@Truegamer79 On My Nintendo Store ( or also directly on the eShop in the NSO section – the “catch” is that you can’t buy a single voucher, but only two at a time and they last for 12 months so you should keep that in mind when getting them, but they’re a great way to get Nintendo games digitally and discounted even at launch!@John_Deacon yeah I feel the same after also buying it twice before.I like how Sony and Microsoft sometimes deal with their re-releases in offering a low “upgrade” fee for those who already own it. I’d love it on switch but the full price only option will probably count me out.I never could wrap my head around old games apparently not being worth full price. If they were worth it back then, they still are today.These HD remasters are still incredibly lackluster though, there’s no denying that.40 pounds with currys in uk. EnjoyPlayed and completed it on my Wii and 3DS. However, I will be picking it up for yet a third time to complete again myself and to play with my nephew, too. It’s certainly worth it for that… 😃I‘m surprised that it‘s more than 8 GB, because 16-GB-cards are more expensive than 8 GB ones. Or Nintendo is removing something optional from the card and adding it back via a day-one patch, as they did with TotK.@Truegamer79 Fiscal year runs April 1 to March 31.@datamonkey How exactly would you verify that someone bought this game on Wii or 3DS to make that work on Switch? Take it in good faith?@1UP_MARIO actually it’s less now as they lowered the price from £49.99 to £45.99. so anyone who ordered it at £39.99 using the 20% off code can now contact Currys to ask for the difference back, or to cancel your order, then reorder at the new price £36.79 using the code “DONKEY20” – there’s 2 listings: one including the themed cleaning cloth, one without.@Truegamer79 As Haruki_NLI alluded, it’s still the same fiscal year. Basically they said they’d announce it before April 1, 2025 and that date hasn’t changed.This game is almost as old as the original SNES game was when it came out.@DiggleDog jeezaloo@jco83 thanks. Had to cancel and re order. Couldnt refund the differenceGotta hand it to Nintendo they do a great job of keeping file sizes down. Vs third party game file sizes.I originally wasn’t planning on picking it up, as (like many others here have mentioned) I’ve purchased it twice already. But after watching more and more trailers, I’ve grown more excited to revisit this masterpiece in HD. It’s not the graphic glow up I wish it was, but it’ll still be great!I will probably buy it eventually on a sale for 40€ or so.So this and Xenoblade Chronicles have been on Wii, 3DS and now Switch. Have any other titles managed the same hat trick?Why is this so big compared to both versions when it has NO added content??Nintendo: Ever the compression godsHaving said that I am quite surprised at this sizeAll Nintendo has to do to sell this one is say that the future of the series depends on sales for this one. Watch everyone complaining about it now change their mind about picking it up.@somnambulance holding a new game hostage on condition you buy a remake or two is probably not the best idea tbh@N00BiSH It’s not the best idea, but Nintendo’s pulled it before@Jack_Goetz Captain Toad Treasure Tracker has been released for Wii U, 3DS & Switch (though I think the 3DS & Switch versions released at the same time)@Haruki_NLI have a system like MS or Sony where the game is shown on your PS/Xbox account and therefore proof of purchase.Of course they couldn’t take it in good faith, that would be stupid.@jco83 Ah yes, thanks! I knew I was forgetting something.@datamonkey Okay, so the Wii was physical only and didnt have an account system and the 3DS didn’t register physical carts to your account like Switch does.So if you had a digital copy of Returns 3D I guess?@Haruki_NLI Switch doesn’t “register” physical carts to your account 🤔 it just keeps a records of played gamesI’m really looking forward to this release! 💯Finally, it’s almost here. 🫶@Truegamer79 the fiscal year usually runs from April 1st to March 31st. So the announcement hasn’t moved at all so far.Never played DK when I was younger, which I think factors into my general disinterest in the franchise. If the Switch 2’s big launch game is 3D Donkey Kong, then depending on how big and bombastic it appears I’ll still get it. But I’m definitely not as interested in DK as much as Mario.Decent size, justifies my choice to go physical… that and the barrel pen holder. Seriously, who doesn’t want a Donkey Kong barrel on their desk? <3Gonna buy this physical, but most likely second hand or when its on discount. The price they are asking at release is to much.Also gonna go physical. Will get it before 2025 is over.You can save money buy remembering that you already own this game and not buying the Switch version.@Jack_Goetz Scribblenauts Unlimited is on the 3DS, Wii U, and Switch.If you disliked Tropical Freeze, is it even worth diving into this? I had the original on Wii, but the weird shoe horned motion controls completely ruined it for me. Mind you, i don't even like the tradition controls present in TF. I'm just not a fan of the heavy weight-ish momentum.Going from that, and then on to something like Mega Man 11 feels freeing with it's quick responsive zippity feather weight plaforming.Might catch it during one of Nintendo's famous 30% off first party sales that come around Black Friday or Mario Day.@Truegamer79 Yeah but remember in 2010 the game is not in HD widescreen, doesn't have the extra levels, and force you to use motion controls on certain gameplay. This version give you the option of motion controls or traditional, is in HD widescreen, and had all the contents of both the Wii and 3DS versions and it's from Nintendo so it deserve that $60.@Serpenterror It also screwed with many visual effects that worked on Wii and (most of them) 3DS.@Haruki_NLI Yes, let's just stop critizicing Nintendo for business practices no other publisher in the industry would get away with. Honestly, selling these games for MORE than they cost on previous platforms without any significant additions or upgrades is just shameful...The original on Wii was a great game, the 3DS port ADDED stuff and still came out cheaper, and this is just the 3DS port in high resolution and 60FPS and it's fair that we should pay more?No wonder Nintendo get away with this if people keep paying these premiums.Nintendo have been giving the Kongs a lot of love lately - especially in the films they played a prominent role too. So I wonder if they'll follow up with a 3D game for switch 2?@NicolausCamp I don't care personally. I've never played the original. So I'm quite happy to buy a port. That's what it is. I've also bought ports of other games for various reasons. It'll go on sale, so I'll wait for that given it's not a high priority for me.@NicolausCamp I'm not defending it. I'm replying to people's suggestions of what they want done about it and so far none have been based in reality. Just a lot of "could have, should have" based on things that weren't put in place with foresight by the company over a decade ago.In my mind, this is no different than something like SMTV, Persona 5 Royal, The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered, or any other definitive edition of a game that comes out just looking prettier. The market has shown time and time again that people are willing and able to pay for it and accept it, so why wouldn't a business not do it?Does it suck. Yes. But like $70 minimum for a new release, DLC, pre order bonuses, micro transactions, season passes, paying for online, cloud versions, collectors editions with a download code, no physical releases in the retail box, limited time content, live services, unnecessary remasters on systems that can already play the games, disc drives being an optional add on....the list goes on, the market spoke, and here we are after years of moaning and it's still a thing.And to be honest, this industry and Nintendo has bigger issues than a $60 remaster of a Wii game outsourced to a Polish remastering studio, that people are nowhere near as loud about.@Dazman Sony once released a from the ground up built remake of Shadow of the Colossus... $40.Activision of all people released, once again, from the ground up built remakes of two beloved platform trilogies. Three games per package... $40.DKCR is a great game, and if you haven't played it before you're in for a treat, but what is basically a no frills port which doesn't seem to have much effort put into it, $60 feels like a robbery.@Haruki_NLI Unfortunately, gamers are a weak bunch when it comes to principles. I'd love for all that you mentioned to go away, yet as you say, they keep selling, the model is working, and if a company can make more money, you bet your behind they will try.I very seldom buy games on release day any longer, since..A) A lot of games are buggy messes on release todayB) I will get a better price AND game experience if I wait.Wish more people would follow suit...Great game played on the 3DS, and I would buy it day 1 if it wasn’t developed by ‘Forever entertainment” I do not trust those guys (But Bloober team made the amazing Silent Hill 2 remake and I do not trusted those guys either) I will wait and see how this one turns out, and buy it on a sale or a used copy.@AlienigenX buying a used copy of a game counts for nothing fyi@jco83 what are we counting?@AlienigenX game sales@NicolausCamp It's a vicious cycle, but the cracks are showing nowadays. It's why those "Play it early" things SEGA, Ubisoft and others are so so fond of are working to alarming levels.Though Star Wars Outlaws nuking people's save data when it was found to be a bug during the early access period may have let a lot of core gamers realise the state of things.But then again, we have review sites republishing FIFA reviews year after year because nothing changes, so it doesn't matter how self aware the core audience is, they still go for it.Sad really.@datamonkey On PS5 you still need to insert he PS4 disc to play the upgraded version (or have purchased the digital version). Without an account system, which Nintendo didn't really have with Wii/3DS, the upgrade option couldn't work like it does on PS4/PS5. Also the differing media formats obviously wouldn't work either.It might be possible if they do Switch 2 upgrades of Switch games though, as they now have the account system and the various leaks suggest the carts are similar. It's not really a new thing though - Nintendo has a history of re-releasing/ports old games to new systems, so I wouldn't be surprised if they just keep churning out remasters/remakes for new systems and charging full price for them as it's seems to have worked for them in the past. 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