Code Violet Takes Aim at Dinosaur Horror in June on PS5 – Push Square

GuestGuestLogin | Sign UpPush SquareGuestLogin or Sign UpWe might have a crisis on our handsCode Violet is the (presumably) official title of TeamKill Media’s upcoming third-person horror game, in which players must run, hide, and fight to survive an unfortunate outbreak of genetically engineered dinosaurs. Despite having an announcement trailer on the official PlayStation YouTube channel and a relatively soon release date of July on PS5, there is an air of unreality to Code Violet that we can’t quite shake.TeamKill’s previous efforts include the similarly dino-focused Son and Bone and the decidedly not-great Quantum Error, so we don’t anticipate having our hair blown back. Another tidbit that could be considered a red flag is that Code Violet is only coming to PS5, which, on its face, would be fine.However, the developers reasoning for this is that due to PC players’ endless, well-documented deviancy: “We do not want anyone modding vulgar versions of the main character as well as other characters in the game.” This seems a bit excessive, and slightly odd, especially considering it didn’t stop Square Enix from bringing Final Fantasy VII Rebirth to PC; that game even has legendary, iconic characters to risk.Do-you-think-he-saurus?What do you think of Code Violet? Are you familiar with TeamKill Media’s previous work? Let us know in the comments section below.[source]About Khayl AdamKhayl Adam is Push Square’s roving Australian correspondent, a reporter tasked with scouring the internet for the richest, most succulent PlayStation stories. With six years of experience as a freelance journalist and mercenary wordsmith, RPGs are his first great love, but strategy and tactics games are a close second, genres in which he is only too happy to specialize.Comments 27They’re probably worried that PC players will crack the game open And reveal its running on paper clips and bubblegum.Don’t want a random person to release a mod that fixes their game’s performance on pc, cause it would likely be poorly optimized.Also I do find it funny that their previous game, Son and Bone, has one review on Steam and it details about how poor the dinosaur’s ai is and how stutter filled the terrible performance is.Bit of a strange decision not bringing it to PC considering all the footage in the trailer is captured on PC.The whole trailer feels AI generatedCapcom is gonna see this.and it will release a dino crisis remaster or remake.word up sonI mean, it just looks tacky, has poor animation, lacks any sophistication or compelling artstyle and is in poor taste… but other than that, it looks great!Very cool, love the style. I’ll keep an eye on it.After Quantum Error I will never ever in no way, no how play another Team Kill Media game. HARD. NO!!!@DETfaninATL altough still janky and low budget, Son and Bone is a much better game than QE was, I wouldn’t condemn this one yetThe trailer reminds me of the first tekken’s cgi character endingsI wish game devs would stop showing cinematic trailers for new IPs. If you want to sell your game, show us the gameplay for the first time@czDante92 I don’t know. QE was one of the absolute worst gaming experiences I’ve had in memory. I got it for $20 and was still furious I paid that much. Team Kill Media seems like the kind of devs who crank out the lowest grade garbage possible to churn a buck as quickly as they can. I admire that they’re a 2-man shop (I think?) but …….damn their games are crap.Not liking the character design. For all the hate Naughty Dog is getting, I prefer characters that look more like actual humans. Would have made this feel more grounded.@Ashina I’m afraid the majority of people is too impressionable and they know cinematic trailers do better jobs at convincing them.Something about this feels off. It looks like a high res version of CGI cutscenes from the late 90’s.Toe arthritis is the stuff of nightmares.@Ainu20 Totally agree 👍@PinderSchloss Of all the possible criticisms in that travesty of a trailer, I didn’t see that coming. The faces are a bit uncanny valley I guess, but the character models were the only thing that looked remotely competent (probably because it wasn’t in game engine). What did you find so bad about them that they didn’t allow you to ground yourself in a sci fi game about dinosaurs?The reason for not bringing it to pc is a bit silly imo. If a character is popular enough stuff will be made of them anyway look at any of resident evil or witcher characters.Way to shoot yourself in the foot right out of the gate.@PinderSchloss I think the problem is that the character look like PS3 models lol. It looks so dated and the animations are shocking. Also I can’t stand devs complaining about modders. If people buy a game they should be able to do what ever they want with it.This “could” be one of those games where it’s so naff it’s actually good……but if it takes itself too seriously then it is doomed. That trailer absolutely stinks of something taking itself too seriously, so I’m not going to be placing a bet on this one I’m afraid!I’ll keep my eye on this.Looks very very rough, even if most of the trailer is cgi. Straight to ps essential maybe reason to put out an official trailer on Playstation channel.Son and Bone was a mess at launch. It went from fun jank to embarrassing jank really quick. Things get real….asset flippy.I wouldn’t be surprised, if they used AI to make that trailer.Everything just seems…off.All I have to do is look that this developer’s track record and their games have not been good. This trailer is looking suspect. Show CommentsLeave A CommentHold on there, you need to login to post a comment…Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag Remake Is All But Official Now, More Than a Graphics UpgradeProject appears on LinkedIn profileShuhei Yoshida on PSVR2: ‘I’m Sorry’Far from a PS2 momentThe Final Suicide Squad PS5 Ending Is a Real Sorry SightRocksteady retcons itselfReminder: PS Plus Extra, Premium Lose These 11 Great Games in a WeekPlay them before they’re goneReaction: Sony’s Live Service Push Has Been a Disaster of Utterly Insane ProportionsA new lowGame ProfileTitle:Code VioletSystem:PlayStation 5Publisher:Teamkill MediaDeveloper:Teamkill MediaRelease Date:PlayStation StoreWhere to buy:Pre Order on Amazon
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