Cheating wife: My wife has become an overnight bedroom sensation. I’m suspicious. – Slate

Slate Plus members get more How to Do It each week. How to Do It is Slate’s sex advice column. Have a question? Send it to Stoya and Rich here. It’s anonymous!Dear How to Do It,My wife has never been spectacular at giving head. It’s not that she’s bad at it, it’s just never been something I would specifically seek out from her. We do it very sporadically. Then the other night, something amazing, but also concerning happened.She initiated giving me head and it was oddly very good. Like, potentially the best I’ve ever had. Her technique was completely different and I actually managed to orgasm from it. It was a welcome surprise but then also left me wondering what sparked the sudden change. I didn’t really ask for fear of looking a bit like a fool. But I’d be lying if I said it didn’t spark a little worry in me. It’s probably nothing, right?—Always Room to ImproveDear Always Room to Improve,If by “it’s probably nothing,” you mean that she probably wasn’t out perfecting her techniques on poles away from home … I don’t know! I know less about what your wife is up to than you do. It would be brazen of her to go from novice to advanced cocksucker as a result of cheating, but it’s certainly possible. It’s also possible that she studied up before presenting you with her seemingly newfound abilities. There are, as you may have noticed, a lot of examples online of pro head and there is also no shortage of guidance and, ahem, advice. It is indeed quite possible that your wife picked up some new tricks in an entirely ethical way with your pleasure in mind. Granting her the benefit of the doubt is worthwhile here.However, it is not too late to ask her about her new techniques. You can do this in or out of a sexual context. “Where’d you learn how to do that?,” might be useful here as she’s blowing you—it sounds like dirty talk and would open the door for you to say, “No really, where’d you learn that?,” after. You could also bring it up to her casually when you two are just hanging out: “When you sucked me off the other night, it felt better than ever. Did you do something different?” You could also ask her to walk you through her technique because you’re still buzzing about how good it felt. Frame it as praise because, clearly, she deserves it. If she did come about her skills in an unethical way, it’s unlikely that she would take the opportunity to divulge there (“Yeah! From the mailman!”). But her answer could be telling, regardless, and it will likely give you the peace of mind that you seem to desire.—RichI’m a 21-year-old woman, and I’m seven months pregnant. I decided to surrogate for a couple that lives in the area. The money is better than anything I could make otherwise, and part of the contract I signed meant that I moved in with “Miles” and his wife, rent-free and for much nicer accommodations than I could find on the market. The weird part is that his wife keeps pushing me to spend more time with Miles. Nothing overtly sexual has happened, but a lot of sexual tension us building. I’m on the verge of losing control in this very weird situation. What should I do?For a forthcoming advice column, we want to help you navigate your social dynamics at work. Does your colleague constantly bug you after hours? Has an ill-advised work romance gone awry? Ask us your question here!Slate is published by The Slate
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