March 17, 2025

Brave The Fey In The Writhing Wilds — Diablo Immortal – Blizzard News

A gale wind blows through a restless forest, the beasts of the wooded glens stir, and the air thrums with powerful magic. Our eleventh major update, The Writhing Wilds, is currently growing rampantly in anticipation of its release on March 20. While you prepare for the journey ahead, we’re providing you with a look at the new Writhing Wilds main quest, new Battleground Map overhauls, and three new Legendary Gems.Writhing Winds Main QuestDiscover the New Battlegrounds MapNew Legendary GemsEssence Loyalty Bonus ChangesFamiliar Skill ImprovementsMasterful Crafting ChangesSharval Wilds Vanguard UpdateMore Details to ComeIn The Writhing Wilds, you’ll travel to the mysterious and untamed Sharval Wilds, coming face-to-face with a disturbance in the very land itself. The people of the First Forest are finding the woods twist and warp around them, and hungry spirits of nature called Fey are rampaging out of their holts, carrying off travelers and homesteaders alike. To help Sharval and locate the source of this danger, you’ll work with the forest’s guardians—local Druids and Witches—whose ancient suspicions run the risk of undermining everything. As the region grows further unbalanced and more dangerous, the citizens of Sharval will look for a savior, but you are far from their only option.Back to TopThe forces that shake the ground tremble and move, shifting the very planes of battle that surround you. Inspired by community feedback, we’re introducing a brand-new Battleground map!This new map will challenge your battle-tested strategies and change the way you play. The major update also introduces changes to objectives and mechanics and revitalizes the fight to destroy the Ancient Heart.The major update is an excellent time to come back to the Battleground! Keep your eyes peeled for more details in our next blog.Back to TopThree new Legendary Gems are coming in this update. Each can elevate your character to new heights of power. The below values for each gem reflect their power at Rank 10:Back to TopWe’ve also changed the way you extract Essences earned from the Loyalty Bonus: there is no longer a weekly cap for extracting Essences, and you’ll no longer be time gated from unlocking new Essences when they’re released. Once you have unlocked the difficulty for the corresponding Essences and the Server Paragon Level has reached the new difficulty they can be unlocked right away.Newly released essences start with a cheaper cost that increases with each essence you unlock within the same class. You heard that right! Each class has its own cost so if you class transfer frequently you will be able to quickly unlock your first few essences for each class. Be on the lookout for further details about this system update in the upcoming patch notes.Back to TopYour valued and trusted companion is learning some new tricks, adventurer. As a result of player feedback, we have increased their versatility to aid you in the fiercest of battles. Some will be able to earn new skills specific to each Familiar, giving them the needed edge in intense battles.Their loyalty will soon only be matched by the power of their newfound abilities.Back to TopFor the first time, you now have immense control over how you craft powerful gear. Gather ores from the open world and materials from defeated Elite monsters, then head to the Blacksmith to forge your choice of Legendary items with at least one class-specific affix or a Skill Stone with at least three class-related affixes. Huzzah!Back to TopVenture into the Sharval Wilds in Vanguard. You’ll fight against new enemies, take down the fearsome Glade Bane boss, and come toe to toe with new Helliquary bosses!Back to TopStay tuned—more information about all the features coming with our next major update can be found in an article coming on March 18. As this is an early look, all information conveyed in this article is subject to change.We’ll see you in Sanctuary!
-The Diablo Immortal teamBack to Top


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