Bigger than T-rex? Largest duck-billed dinosaur footprints ever discovered in Mongolia – Interesting Engineering

Paleontologists have found a massive dinosaur footprint, measuring a full 92 centimeters.a day ago2 days ago2 days ago2 days ago2 days ago2 days ago2 days ago2 days ago2 days ago2 days ago32 minutes agoan hour agoan hour agoan hour ago2 hours ago3 hours ago11 hours ago12 hours ago14 hours ago15 hours agoMrigakshi DixitA field photo taken by the joint expedition team from Okayama University of Science and the Institute of Paleontology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences. Okayama University of Science
Paleontologists have found a massive dinosaur footprint, measuring a full 92 centimeters (roughly 35 inches) across.This colossal footprint hints at the existence of a truly gigantic dinosaur – potentially larger than even the fearsome Tyrannosaurus Rex.It was unearthed in Mongolia by Okayama University of Science (OUS) and the Institute of Paleontology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences.The footprint belongs to hadrosaurid dinosaurs — famously known for their distinctive flat, duck-like beaks. They belong to the ornithischian family Hadrosauridae.This massive footprint is believed to belong to a giant Saurolophus, a duck-billed dinosaur estimated to exceed 15 meters in length. This would make it larger than even famous predators like Tyrannosaurus Rex and Tarbosaurus.However, its skeleton remains have not been found yet. Saurolophus is mostly known for its long, spike-like crest that projects upward and backward from its skull. Like other hadrosaurs, it had a broad, flat beak resembling a duck’s bill. These dinosaurs lived during the Late Cretaceous period. The paleontological team made another major discovery: a massive trackway of 13 fossilized footprints. Each of these impressive footprints measures 85 centimeters in width, and the entire trackway extends for 24 meters. This remarkable find was accompanied by the discovery of numerous other fossilized footprints. While fossilized skeletons provide invaluable insights into dinosaur anatomy and physiology, fossilized tracks offer a unique window into their behavior and interactions with their environment.“The identification of 14 trackways, including one found before 2018, enables the analysis of posture, walking style, speed, and group behavior —details that cannot be inferred from skeletal fossils,” said Dr. Shinobu Ishigaki, Director of the OUS Museum of Dinosaur Research, who led the excavation work. Researchers conducted an investigation in the western Gobi Desert between June 1 to 15, 2024. This specific site was first spotted during a joint survey in 2018. It is recognized as a key locality for the discovery of large hadrosaurid footprint fossils, making it a prime location for further paleontological research.This finding fuels excitement among paleontologists. It raises the possibility that the skeletons of these colossal dinosaurs might be discovered in the region. Unearthing such skeletal remains would provide invaluable insights into the anatomy, behavior, and ecology of these gigantic creatures.Before this discovery, the largest known hadrosaurid skeleton belonged to Shantungosaurus, discovered in China. This discovery in Mongolia suggests that similarly massive hadrosaur skeletons might also be found in this region.“Our next goal is to uncover the full skeleton of the large Saurolophus responsible for these footprints,” stated Dr. Ishigaki in the press release.In another discovery earlier, the UK’s largest dinosaur trackway site was uncovered in an Oxfordshire quarry. Nearly 200 massive footprints were discovered, dating back approximately 166 million years.The site showcases evidence of various dinosaurs, including the predatory Megalosaurus (reaching 9 meters in length) and herbivorous dinosaurs that were even larger.This discovery provides valuable insights into the diverse dinosaur life that once thrived in the UK. This exceptional find was made by researchers from the Universities of Oxford and Birmingham.Stay up-to-date on engineering, tech, space, and science news with The Blueprint.By clicking sign up, you confirm that you accept this site’s Terms of Use and Privacy PolicyMrigakshi Dixit Mrigakshi is a science journalist who enjoys writing about space exploration, biology, and technological innovations. Her work has been featured in well-known publications including Nature India, Supercluster, The Weather Channel and Astronomy magazine. If you have pitches in mind, please do not hesitate to email her.a day agoa day agoa day agoa day agoPremiumIE PROFollow