Banjo-Kazooie Has The Potential To “Rival 3D Mario”, Says Ori Dev – Nintendo Life

GuestGuestLogin | Sign UpNintendo LifeGuestLogin or Sign UpIf a “really talented developer” has a crack at itThere was once a time when Banjo-Kazooie was rightly considered to be a close rival to the Super Mario franchise when Rare launched two outstanding entries on N64 in the form of the self-titled debut and its sequel, Banjo-Tooie.That was a long time ago, though. While Microsoft flirted with idea of growing the franchise in 2008 with the rather divisive Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts, the publisher hasn’t touched it in the years since. According to Moon Studios’ (Ori and the Blind Forest, Will of the Wisps) CEO Thomas Mahler on social media, however, this was perhaps the wrong move, and Microsoft may well be sitting on something that could, with the right treatment, rival 3D Mario games on modern consoles (thanks, Pure Xbox):”They have been sitting on Banjo Kazooie with nothing happening there even though a really talented developer could probably make a Banjo game that could rival 3D Mario and probably sell similar numbers.”He also goes on to say that “Xbox doesn’t really have any family friendly titles now, at least nothing of quality that they’re known for”. Meanwhile, Sony made waves in 2024 with the launch of Astro Bot, an exceptional 3D platformer that many compared favourably to some of Nintendo’s very best. Perhaps this success could give Microsoft the nudge it needs to get cracking on a new Banjo game.If Microsoft does revive Banjo-Kazooie in the years to come, one does wonder whether it would come to Nintendo’s upcoming Switch 2 in addition to Xbox. There are rumours that the company is looking to bring Halo: The Master Chief Collection, Flight Simulator, and Diablo IV to the console, and with Banjo’s history with Nintendo, we honestly wouldn’t be surprised to see it.Along with Flight SimulatorWhile Halo’s arrival is reiteratedWould you like to see a new Banjo-Kazooie game from Microsoft? Which studio, if not Rare, do you think would be up to the task? Let us know with a comment in the usual spot.[source, via]About Ollie ReynoldsNintendo Life’s resident horror fanatic, when he’s not knee-deep in Resident Evil and Silent Hill lore, Ollie likes to dive into a good horror book while nursing a lovely cup of tea. He also enjoys long walks and listens to everything from TOOL to Chuck Berry.Comments 77Talented developer = Not RareSell similar numbers? Somebody’s on the hopium big time.I like Banjo but let’s be real: no one’s knocking Mario off the mountain.Anyways, I don’t think current Rare has any interest in making a new Banjo anytime soon. In terms of new devs to handle Banjo, my money goes to either Playtonic or Toys For Bob.I don’t know about selling similar numbers but there’s definitely potential for a great game with the right developer. It’s amazing that they’ve done nothing with the IP since Nuts & Bolts, not even a remake of the original 🤨It speaks for how revoltutionary and snappy Mario 64 felt, that Banjo Kazooie and Crash 2 were really the only 3D platformers that rivaled it in acclaim during its generation.
3D Platformers have been an untapped market for years and hopefully Xbox Game Studios will see Astro Bot as inspiration to give it their all.I would love a world where all three companies have their own 3D platforming mascot. Sony already proved they could do it, and Microsoft is just sitting on their lovable Scrimblo alreadyThat’s a whole lot of probablies but all signs point to no.SO DO IT MICROSOFTI’m not sure “rival” is the right term as it comes down to preferences if you enjoy the Banjo-Kazooie gameplay or the 3D Mario one more – personally I love both (and also Tooie) in their respective ways – and I also have serious doubts about it selling similar numbers considering the strength of the Mario IP, but man would I gladly take a new game in the series and even more so by a really talented developer!I would absolutely LOVE a new game, but they’d need to find a fitting developer for it that both want to make it and has the skills to execute it well. Rare wouldn’t be the ones to make a new Banjo game, but that mainly comes from their disinterest in using their legacy IP.I also don’t really know how it would sell in the modern day or if it could have similar numbers to the Mario games because I feel like Mario is a bigger IP than Banjo. Only way I see it selling a ton is if they release it on Switch since the Nintendo userbase knows Banjo way more than people who use the Xbox since Rare had more ties to Nintendo than Microsoft. I still have hope for a new game and I’d love to see the Xbox have an established platformer IP like Nintendo and Sony, but I feel like it will take a while for that to happen.@N00BiSH they(MS) let toys for bob go as a separate entity and then signed a deal with them to develop one of their IP. I’m hoping it’s this, and seeing as Xbox is now primarily a software dev there’s a good chance they will stick it on Switch 2!I mean, you could say that about every platformer. They all have the “potential”, but it’s easier said than done. Way easier.I don’t think Mario has ever had a “close rival.”@roy130390 Banjo’s diehard fans tend to be like this they don’t see it as a dated, extremely corny and very much a dead IP outside of cameos and merchandise but instead still buy into the Mario-killer hype they were spoon fed by magazines in the 90’s.This from the guy who said he wants to make the Schindler’s list of games. Mario is a console-moving IP. I love Banjo but there’s only a select few properties capable of approaching Mario and it’s not the series which has effectively been dormant for over a decade and is currently rotting on the shelf. Not to mention the games firmly sit in 3D Mario’s shadow. There would be a long road ahead with some real talent to even get this series back to a strong 3D Mario-like.But yeah, rosy up those glasses a little more.Well, considering the N64 Banjo-Kazooie titles were better than every other 3D Mario title to date, it’s certainly doable…Isn’t it a couple decades too late for this conversation?I’m sure if the series kept going it could’ve been a contender but now of all times to bring up years after it’s dead?Banjo-Kazooie hadn’t gotten a game since Nuts N Bolts. Just let that fly into your brain for a moment. That’s literally 17 years of nothing from the bear and bird. You think that long hibernation is better than 3D Mario? I don’t think so, Nuts N Bolts itself was garbage as it was not a platformer like Grunty’s Revenge, Tooie, and Kazooie.Hint hint, eh Moon Studios?Do I prefer Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie over Super Mario 64? That’s for sure.Do I like those games more than 3D Mario in general? That’s a definite no.I’d love to see the return of the duo, but let’s be real, it would have to be an Astro Bot-quality game for it to top Mario. Or if they could do a Banjo game in the style of Super Mario 3D World to start.@Serpenterror and then for some reason, TOTK stole Nuts n Bolts’ building mechanic, and nobody noticed.Banjo did go toe to toe with Mario back in the late 90s. Sales-wise, Mario 64 wins, but in the game quality category, Banjo-Kazooie had the edge. In the controls, the graphics/art style, the story and memorable characters, the original BK outing really outshines Mario 64. I think in order to revive the series, you would need a developer with a vision for how to improve upon what made BK unique and wondrous. I’m sure it could be done, but I suspect the chances are pretty low.Sure if you give it to nintendo.‘Xbox doesn’t really have any family friendly titles‘ That sentence sums up Xbox perfectly.Even the worst Mario games are better than the competition. Astro Bot was fun, but judging the jumps in 3D was off, the buttons occasionally felt unresponsive, and some of those challenge levels threw unfair blind surprises at you so you had to keep trying and failing to extend the play time. It isn’t just an image- Mario gaming is a feeling of control that appeals to people. Banjo Kazooie isn’t know by the general public, especially in a modern gaming context.People know Nintendo quality, and any challenger to the crown is going to have to build up a lot of trust before selling numbers like the plumber.Forget Banjo, astrobot’s the one to beat!Nah.Extra bumpf to fill out the minimum word count.Quality wise, ANYTHING has the potential to rival Mario, given a talented enough developer. This statement says essentially nothing.The ‘selling as much’ part is funny though. Unless they mean going the route of building the series’ reputation by constant releases, giving it more and more brand recognition, tons of merchandise and marketing, etc. Then yeah, maybe it could reach that point one day. But once again, anything could. Banjo is not special in this way.MS have Rare and the Ori team on speed-dial, they could get the game made if they wanted to.Banjo and Kazooie are just characters. Swap them out for a robot, or a lizard and a bat, or a fox, or literally any other character(s), and a talented developer can create something to rival 3D Mario.There’s no shortage of mascots: what you need is a talented developer dedicated to the project with sufficient budget, direction, and marketing support.Edit: Oh, and music: no one wants to explore a platformer for hours on end and listen to the same old chintzy jingle on repeat.Yes, given about 40 years of games, marketing, toys, clothing, and even theme parks anything could potentially “Rival Mario”… but Banjo Kazooie, that’s what you’re gonna bet on??? Gotta love the underdog, but I have no love for the BK franchise, it just never clicked with me.So did Sonic, but that doesn’t mean it’s gonna happen.That said… Banjo-Kazooie needs a string of quality titles again before we have that conversation. This was an easier one to have in the N64 era, but, after departing for Microsoft and releasing Nuts ‘n’ Bolts, some serious work needs to be done to rebuild the brand.While I understand the argument many of you are making that Mario is too strong to be rivaled by Banjo I think it’s also fair to point out that no one can be king of the hill forever. Back in the day it may have seemed impossible for Atari or Sega to fall and yet they did. It would take a lot of work and luck for anything to truly rival 3D Mario, but I say it’s a worth a shot. If nothing else it might force Nintendo to up their game.Having been there when the original Banjo-Kazooie came out, I wouldn’t have bet on it as a rival to Mario, but I could see it potentially happen with time and a few more games. But Microsoft bought Rare and the rest is history.I’ve adopted a policy of not buying anything from Microsoft if I’m at all able to avoid it—for reasons I won’t go into here because NL isn’t the place for them—but even if I hadn’t and they made a new BK for Switch 2, I’d be super skeptical of it simply because Microsoft’s history with games like this has left me rather cold. Sure, if they make it for Switch 2 and I hear from everyone that it’s just fantastic, I may very well break my policy and get it, but I expect any new BK will leave me thinking about what could have been.A new game on the switch 2 will do very well if done right.It really is quite absurd no future games for Bear and Bird.I mean, Diddy Kong Racing was a Mario Kart rival. And we can’t have this conversation when there’s 40 Mario games out there and only 4 Banjo Kazooie games….. but quality wise… yes, the bear and the bird can rival Mario.Different kind of games anywayI mean, quite frankly, Banjo Kazooie is the closest to a proper Mario 64 sequel we got on N64, and Mario Odyssey is the closest I’ve felt I’ve gotten to a great, new Banjo game, so this comparison is just obviously correct.I’d say its complete incompetence but its completely normalized incompetence in the industry at how the series died. It was stupid they threw away 3D platformers during the 7th gen, it was stupid in 2017 when Mario Odyssey and Crash trilogy made absurd amounts of money and Xbox had only somewhat recently released Rare Replay, and it will be equally stupid if we don’t see more being developed right now after Astro Boy blew away nearly everything else this year. Sony’s Astro Boy vs. Concord should be the go to example for these companies right now, if they weren’t run by morons.NEWS FLASH: talented people continue to make great games. weather at 6.REALITY CHECK: no banjo game will ever sell close to Mario, ever.(as an experiment: Nintendo gets the rights to Banjo and develops the new game themselves.
“Mario quality?” sure. “Mario sales?” 🤔)The problem with reviving a long-dormant IP is that no matter how good the IP once was, the audience that still cares about it today gets smaller and smaller. You need to hook in a new audience to succeed, and it’s easier to just do that with a brand new IP than a forgotten old one.That said, the idea of dethroning Mario isn’t as implausible as people might think. You could say that Mario is the Mickey Mouse of gaming… but how’s Mickey doing today? He’s around, but he hasn’t actually been Disney’s most important IP in a very long time. I could see a day eventually where Mario steps aside for whatever becomes the Frozen of this analogy.But if that day arrives, it won’t be Banjo. It won’t be any retro IP revival, it’ll be something new.Banjo ain’t getting close to Astro Bot never mind Mario, this guys delusional.@Yosher a very good point. People often despair about how Nuts & Bolts “killed the franchise” but you can’t really kill a franchise that never existed to begin, can you?@batmanbud2 I were the one person besides you who noticed it.Nintendo probably had N&B in the backhead for over a decade before they figured out where they could do the same.It’s obvious this Ori dev CEO reached out to Microsoft about making a Banko-Kazooie pitch, were told no, and now he’s taking to social media to try and get fans to petition so he can make it happen.Best of luck to him.@Not_Soos I think that were back when it would be on Xbox and PC only. As a multiplatform game, it’s a different thing.Rival Mario?The mascot of ALL of gaming and is an icon as big as Mickey Mouse these days.XBox have had decades to do something and they haven’t.Banjo have never been a franchise ever.
It had 2 N64 games and a spin off on 360 released many years after N64 ones, and even that one are 20 years old.
No “Franchise” are going this slow, means it were never a franchise.Xbox gamers have nagged “Phil Spencer” about a new Banjo for years.
Spencer said: “I hear you”. Then later said he had to find a passionate developer for it, if he could find one.
It has to be a developer who really are in on it with plans on how to make it. Not easy to find as they also have to have something relevant they did already to prove they can do it.You can’t force Blizzard, Obsidian, Bethesda, Halo Studios etc. to make a Banjo game….as it would be cancelled before it released.Since Microsoft now are partially multiplatform, a new Banjo are more likely to happen as Spencer wants to revive many dead IP’s including even Guitar Hero and Hexen.@roy130390 Right? I find these statements to be rather meaningless. “If someone made a good platformer, I think it could be a good platformer” is what it amounts to basically 😅When I was a kid, I was in awe over BK and BT. They felt miraculous. Tooie was awesome from the standpoint of having so many interconnected ways to enter different worlds. I loved following the digger tracks around to where the witches had been. It was amazing game design for its time and I’m so glad we got it and just wish things could have ended differently.Sega has been plotting this for years. They’re still plotting their takeover..If a “really talented developer” has a crack at it, Any Gaming Mascot Has The Potential To “Rival 3D Mario”, tbhMario already has a new rival- Astro (as mentioned). And astro came through years of nurturing top talent and letting Asobi experiment and grow with the character until they were ready to make their masterpiece, full-fat debut. Mario has the same internal care and devotion. Anything is possible, but count me skeptical.@Toastmaster Don’t forget there’s a couple of Banjo games on the Gameboy Advance too. Grunty’s Revenge is good fun – I finished it a few months ago and gave it 37 out of 50!I’ve not played Banjo Pilot yet, but I’ve got it lined up for later in the year.Man we are in the cold months here at the moment. Silksong may still exist one day. Random dev thinks Banjo-Kazooie is pretty cool. Daily articles on what we know about Switch 2 (absolutely nothing) and Mario Kart 9 (Nintendo have never even put those words together). Even the cadence of new shovelware releases on the e-shop has slowed down (although the non-shovelware releases have slowed down even more). Basically everyone is in stasis waiting for April. It’s enough to drive a person nuts!So what? A really untalented developer could make a really terrible Mario game. We already saw what an untalented developer could do with Zelda back in the 90sIt could if it ever came out. Unlike Mario where we know that a new 3d one will be out soon.90s Rare was a force. Today’s rare hasn’t made a new game in 7 years. They announced something but it is probably too ambitious for where they are now. If the ori developers want to try they maybe able to make something but good luck with getting Microsoft to fund that. Even though hearing that Astro bot cost less and was developed in a few years Microsoft may finally see they need the game. Plus if they put on all the consoles and pc’s it is bound to sell something.Banjo-Kazooie was better than Mario 64 in some areas, but also a lot worse. While this person may be onto something, it wouldn’t be that easy.”could rival 3D Mario and probably sell similar numbers.”Lmao, Banjo-Kazooie couldn’t even do half of the numbers of Mario 64 and Banjo-Tooie sold even less. Mario is just plain unbeatable, not even high-quality games such as Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze, Rayman Legend nor Crash 4 were able to outsold the wii u version of Super Mario Bros U XD@siavm “If the ori developers want to try they maybe able to make something but good luck with getting Microsoft to fund that.”Bruh, Microsoft was the one that funded Ori XD The studiowas the one that decided to no longer work with Xbox, because according to the CEO they wanted their next game to be multiplatform.@N00BiSH mhhh 4 main games and 1 racing spinoff plus cameos all over the place… I’d say it counts as a franchise after a third game@Yoshi3 That’s just a series – and a pretty small series at that. A franchise is much broader and goes beyond more than one small set of games; it encompasses a smattering of different constant media forms, from movies to TV to comics and such. Mario is a franchise. Sonic is a franchise. Kirby is a franchise. Banjo isn’t a franchise.There’s no mistaking how good Super Mario 64 was back in the day, but I thought Banjo-Kazooie did a bang-up job taking the blueprint and running with it. I don’t know if I’d go as far as to say it was a Mario killer, but coming out of Rare’s stable back then, it was a banger of a platformer.Anything can but people are too Mario soft/absorbed to care. Any B grades of the past were more entertaining then Mario. Galaxy was good but that’s about it. Everything else had ok ideas but didn’t impress me in the slightest.Like Double Dash did yet any other Mario Karts since haven’t. Any kart racer with customisation or other features people go eh but Mario kart for nostalgia, tracks, characters or simplicity of controls, comfort, marketability. Like Smash people don’t care what else is attempted, because why would they, it’s comfort food. They don’t care what else is attempted.I could say the same about any Indie platformer yet they repeat history (humans love to do that and it annoys me so much it’s beyond hilarious every time, whether their country land back, or whatever actions/goals, familiarity or way things were or status quo lifestyle, human beings are so boring) and waste my time so I don’t even look at them. They don’t want to push their own potentials as it is just recycle things.Spyro 4 I wasn’t going to be excited for beacuse I doubt it would have been anything more than Spyro 3.5 but Crash 4 did surprise in what it tried to do different so it was ‘possible’.Banjo has so many good elements to it for sure. Buty many inspired by it are empty, the devs aren’t talented enough yet and emptiness fits modern gaming so it’s ‘fine’. Yeah no. Their world priorities versus platforming and missions, collectibles and more compared to say a Tak or something else with their structure, their immersion and more. B grades make me go ‘wow’ besides if it doesn’t work like a Vexx, there are many others that ‘do’. Indies make me go ‘yeah you have years to achieve it or won’t ever because you don’t think about your worlds/mechanics enough just the bare minimum to be convincing’.While Indies recycle things, even the modders making their own games off of Mario 64 made me go ah you aren’t any better and just as useless as Indies with safe ideas come on. Try harder. Impress me. Not recycle history or be too close to your inspiration, stretch further than it. I want to see them do that, yet they don’t and continue to disappoint me more and more and the genre to me is just a cut off. I’m sick and tired of potential not achieved because they don’t try hard enough. Just play it safe every single time.I want people to make stand out games not repetitive games. If it’s money sure, if it’s skill sure but it’s like they see the trends and go oh I can be that safe and I’m like, this is why I go retro is the attitude is different nowadays and I can’t stand it.I’ve seen Minecraft modders with more creative smaller ideas that impress me or large scale ideas and just as much safe large scale ideas to recreate Forge mods to Fabric so it’s just as hilarious of audiences being catered for or the safe 99% of modpacks being the same repetitive garbage because no one wants to actually look deeper at the possible ideas they want the same 0.00001 experience & their ‘favourites’ or make them.he small ones can be repetitive too but those with a spin on it or truly unique I go wow & review them & am proud I did to show off “their” awesome ideas that ‘really do’ change things & my perspective of the game & their idea being achievable no matter what version but just ‘completely available no matter how niche of downloads’. I’m proud ‘for them’ even.Part 2:Do I blame people and their emotions/nostalgia or do I blame them for just not having the time/thoughts, or do I blame audiences for being too stupid and that’s why we get safe experiences is because they have to buy safe experiences and that’s why good ideas don’t happen anymore. Audiences are too grown up and stubborn for anything that isn’t Mario, DK, Banjo, Spyro, Crash etc.So I have no trust when Indies won’t even bother. Let alone trying to get a studio willing to make a Banjo, no matter the scale but still sound of quality ideas in it then a generic platformer not fitting of the duo’s past adventures.So yeah my expectations are high because I haven’t seen anything remotely good in the platforming scene by anyone in 20+ years.I don’t play favourites I think about ideas and I dig into the B grades for a reason not the same repetitive Indies following their AAA nostalgia trips and weak inspiration then better protottyping with ideas of any material texture or functionality. Their new ideas are ok but hardly noteworthy or amount to much then a few obstacles or a few different same functionality things.Zera Myths Awaken is a fine Spyro clone (started as one) but the moves are hit and miss of advancing much and levels are too Spyro inspired still to be original. The formula is still the same.It’s like seeing a cell shaded sim racer or an Earth car on planets not just Earth streets/rally courses but through portals, on alien worlds, anything. Not sci-fi anti grav, I mean ‘fake cars’ no brands either.Someone willing to go ‘lets do that then the same ‘real life rules’ approach. That’s my point. Something people don’t seem to get and don’t care because they are too status quo or don’t care.They want characters/worlds but the worlds and characters aren’t really doing anything for the games just the same things over and over.I don’t have to be a car fan to go put them in a different setting and level design and really challenge the player and ideas people can have about them.Even something like Wheelspin on Wii was fun for being in crazy locations, it played eh but it’s ideas were great. Same with many 5-6th gen platformers, controls were hit or miss but the ideas were excellent.The fact I can post 360 shooters and people go ‘wow that’s a big list’ and people have never heard of any of them. Being a collector is easy to surprise people like that isn’t it. XD But is it the ‘list’ or the actual games. I assume the list as like people ‘actually’ care at all. It’s like my comments on YT, people would rather play stupid and go ‘what a large comment but miss all the actual depth or bad details about it because they don’t have time or are too stupid to care what is said’. Not everything I say is gold, it’s not suppose to be it’s just thoughts. Thoughts no one has because status quo minds.I don’t care if they are on screen and likeable I want them to go through things and earn it or be awesome not just oh easy likeable status that’s boring.Pushing limits not inside the box fifth because they can’t think what video games ‘actually do’ I want to see what they ‘can do’ if they think for a bit longer.A good Banjo-Kazooie revival game (with the Smash models as a base art-style) would break the internet more than the next 3D Mario. If only Sakurai could take a crack at the series?If they did this they’d absolutely need to release it on Switch 2. Xbox aren’t interested in playformers and it would bomb there.@SuntannedDuck2 No one reading all that, bro.@Hank_Scorpio not anymore, at least. But back on time…I feel like people are always saying this, but Banjo-Kazooie is an IP with almost no cultural relevance anymore, outside of a small group of millennials who grew up with the N64 (they heyday of Rare). I definitely think Nintendo did something better that 3D Mario has long outlasted any and all rivals.Banjo never rivalled Mario back in its heyday in terms of sales, sure someone could make a good Banjo game now but to suggest it can rival Mario is comicalI am not sure if it would rival Mario but it could DEFINITIVELY rival a lot of other 3D Platformers. I have been saying it for years. Banjo Kazooie is the most wasted video game franchise in the history of games and it should have been an ongoing series with multiple video games like Kirby, Crash Bandicoot and Spyro. The amount of people I know that loved Banjo Kazooie when the first two games came out just makes it inexcusable what Microsoft done to it using the sales of a SPINOFF game to justify us not getting a third Banjo Kazooie when there is no doubt if we had gotten a third game it would have been successful.Just imagine if one of the Mario Kart, Mario Party, Mario Golf or Mario Tennis games flopped and Nintendo said they weren’t going to make any more Mario because of it because THAT is exactly what Microsoft done to Banjo Kazooie. Nuts and Bolts was NOT a proper Banjo Kazooie game and nobody wanted it. We wanted Banjo Kazooie 3/ Threeie!!!! A 3D PLATFORMER. NOT a vehicle building game. Give the franchise the third PROPER game it deserves.@SalvorHardin Non Banjo fans don’t realize Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts is NOT a proper Banjo Kazooie game and was literally a spinoff game like Mario Kart where you build vehicles and drive and fly them around and they used the failure of that to justify not making more Banjo Kazooie when the first two games were widely loved by fans and fans wanted a PROPER third game and not the spinoff ***** we were given. When Kirby can last as long as it has and have dozens of games I absolutely have no doubt Banjo Kazooie could have done the same thing if it hadn’t been for Microsoft screwing the franchise over. If they are not going to make more games give the franchise back to the creators at Playtonic Games who WANT to make more.How about, in the name of escapism, at least in video games we don’t give megalomaniacs sniffing their own farts the time of day?@IceClimbersMain don’t forget the time cat thingie on the OG X-box. That looked like so much fun!Xbox wouldn’t know how to build a platformer they had one shot with the god awful nuts and bolts and gave up.Banjo could be great but it wouldn’t suit the shooter crowd that Xbox has built it’s fanbase on Show CommentsLeave A CommentHold on there, you need to login to post a comment…Nintendo Asks Wii U Owners To Refrain From Using “Unauthorised” Online ServicesUpdate: Pretendo respondsNintendo Switch 2 Reveal Trailer Gives First Official Look At The New ConsoleThe wait is over!Retro Staff Credits Removed From Donkey Kong Country Returns HD, Forever Entertainment Confirmed As DevsMonkey BusinessThe Switch eShop Is A Nightmare, So We’ve Made Our Own “Better eShop”Fixing what Nintendon’tFeature: Everything You Missed In The Switch 2 Mario Kart Reveal – Characters, Features, Easter EggsStart your enginesFeatured Games 53News Sonic The Hedgehog Will Be Back For A Fourth Movie 16News Rare Konami GBA Gem ‘Ninja Five-O’ Gets February Release Date 24News Balatro Dev Urges Fans To Buy More Indie Games As Title Hits 5 Million Units Sold 1Feature Citizen Sleeper Dev Talks Sequels, Stress, And Creating “My Own Take On The Mass Effect Series” 11News Pokémon Cards Return To U.S. McDonald’s Happy Meals TodayNews Nintendo Asks Wii U Owners To Refrain From Using “Unauthorised”…News Nintendo Switch 2 Reveal Trailer Gives First Official Look At The New Co…News Retro Staff Credits Removed From Donkey Kong Country Returns HD, Forever…News The Switch eShop Is A Nightmare, So We’ve Made Our Own “Better eSho…Feature Everything You Missed In The Switch 2 Mario Kart Reveal – Characters, Fe…Review Donkey Kong Country Returns HD (Switch) – Aping A Retro ClassicRandom Geez, PS5 Game ‘Anime Life Sim’ Sure Looks FamiliarRound Up The Reviews Are In For Donkey Kong Country Returns HDPoll What Do You Think Of Donkey Kong’s Redesign In Mario Kart 9?News Switch 2’s Rumoured ‘C’ Button Isn’t Actually A ‘C’ ButtonPopular Right NowShow More Join 1,502,627 people following Nintendo Life:© 2025 Hookshot Media, partner of IGN Entertainment | Hosted by 44 Bytes | AdChoices | Do Not Sell My Personal Information