Ask Ethan: Can a lumpy Universe explain dark energy? – Big Think

It’s now been more than 25 years since astronomers discovered “most of the Universe” in an incredibly surprising way. In terms of energy, the most dominant species in our Universe isn’t light, it isn’t normal matter, it isn’t neutrinos, and it isn’t even dark matter. Instead, a mysterious form of energy — dark energy — makes up about ⅔ of the total cosmic energy budget. As revealed by supernovae, baryon acoustic oscillations, the cosmic microwave background, and other key probes of the Universe, dark energy dominates the Universe and has for around ~6 billion years, causing our Universe to not only expand, but for that expansion to accelerate, causing distant galaxies to recede from us with greater and greater speeds as time goes on.But could all of this be based on an erroneous assumption? Could dark energy not exist at all, and could a lumpy, highly inhomogeneous Universe be the culprit, as one recent study has claimed? That’s what many of you, including Dirk Van Tatenhove, Michael Wigner, and Patreon supporter RicL want to know, inquiring things such as:“Is the timescape model of cosmic expansion a serious threat to the existence of dark energy?Do you find the timescape hypothesis of cosmic expansion to be credible? If so, would that create a problem with observations that the geometry of the universe is flat on the average?The model suggests that a clock in the Milky Way would be about 35 percent slower than the same one at an average position in large cosmic voids, meaning billions more years would have passed in voids… 35% sounds an awful lot to me.”Although this might be based on a relatively new study, the idea is quite old. It turns out it runs into colossal problems when confronted not just with supernova data, but with what’s already known about the large-scale structure of the Universe. Let’s take a look for ourselves.The first thing you have to understand is that despite how it looks locally, where we have a few objects that are extremely dense compared to the cosmic average (like planets, stars, and galaxies) while most of space is devoid of such objects (interplanetary, interstellar, or intergalactic space) altogether, on large cosmic scales, the Universe is very, very uniform. If you were to take a “dipper” that was the size of a kitchen ladle and “dipped” it into the interior of a star or planet, it would pull out matter with roughly the density of water: 1 gram per cubic centimeter.But if instead your dipper were enormous, like “10 billion light-years per side” levels of enormous, you’d find that whether you dipped your dipper into:that the average density of what you pulled out would be nearly identical: with about one proton’s worth of total energy per cubic meter of space. Even though the difference between underdense and overdense regions (what the pros call “density contrast”) is enormous on small cosmic scales, with typical values approaching a factor of ~1030, on the largest of cosmic scales, those density differences are on the order of ~0.01%, or less than 1-part-in-10,000.This isn’t something that you can measure very well by looking at isolated, random “points” that you might sample in the Universe. You can’t look at:and expect that you’re going to get a “fair sample” of the Universe. If you insist on using those objects, which are non-representative of the Universe as a whole, you’re succumbing to the fallacy of using a biased tracer, which can lead you to believing in the existence of objects, forces, or structures that you would easily see don’t exist if you used a better, more comprehensive indicator.Instead, our best tools for measuring how homogeneous (i.e., uniform) or inhomogeneous (e.g., clumpy or lumpy) the Universe is are twofold.It should come as no surprise that we’ve done precisely that with both of these methods. For the second option, we got our best data back in the 2010s from the Planck satellite, and found that the “average density fluctuation” in the early Universe was roughly the same on all scales, large and small, and was at just the 1-part-in-30,000 level. Moreover, we’ve also accomplished this with the first option, and have found a value that’s not only consistent with the other method, but have shown how structure grows and clumps over cosmic time: in perfect agreement on practically all scales with what simulations and theory predicts.Additionally, many near-future missions (the Vera Rubin observatory, the Nancy Roman telescope, and the SPHEREx mission) will measure cosmic structure more exquisitely than ever, cementing what was first assumed and then observed to be true: that the Universe, on the largest cosmic scales, is incredibly homogeneous and uniform.It’s these facts that justify our longstanding cosmological models: where the Universe is roughly the same everywhere (homogeneous) and in all directions (isotropic), with only small, quantifiable imperfections superimposed atop this uniform background. The Universe was born uniform, then clumped and clustered, and despite all that’s transpired, remains relatively uniform on the largest of cosmic scales.If we work with a Universe that has these properties, then the only way to “match” what we see with what must exist is to invoke two ingredients that go beyond what’s directly known to exist and make up the Universe. In addition to “normal matter” (which includes the familiar protons, neutrons, and electrons), to light (radiation in the form of photons), and to neutrinos (which are part of the Standard Model of known particles), there must also be a large amount of dark matter that outmasses normal matter by a factor of about 5-to-1, and there must also be dark energy, which accounts for about double the energy density of all other forms of mass/energy (including dark matter) combined.That’s our standard model of cosmology, and it has withstood countless challenges throughout the 21st century.Nevertheless, it’s important to keep on challenging the status quo and to explore alternatives, as the idea of attempting to knock down even your most well-established theories and hypotheses is a key component of the enterprise of science. One such alternative to consider that made a lot of noise at the very end of 2024 (and continues now, at the start of 2025) is known as the timescape cosmology, developed by David Wiltshire of New Zealand. In a new paper (and accompanying press release), the claim is that dark energy doesn’t need to exist, and that huge differences in energy density between regions of space create a “lumpy” Universe that exhibits wildly different expansion rates and cosmic ages across these various regions of space.If this framework were correct, it would imply many new phenomena.As many have noted — including astrophysicists I respect such as Brian Koberlein and David Kipping — this falls into the “profound, if true” category.But is it true?As the authors argue, if you use type Ia supernovae as the testing ground, you find that both the standard model of cosmology (what we sometimes call ΛCDM, or the dark matter and dark energy-rich but mostly uniform Universe that we know) and the timescape cosmology model work pretty well, and that future studies with many more type Ia supernovae will be able to distinguish between the two.Unfortunately, however, for the authors and also for anyone buying into their claims, that’s not the best testing ground we can muster. The best testing ground for this scenario is to instead look at the structure that’s formed in the Universe on all scales, and to test-and-measure how homogeneous vs. inhomogeneous it actually is.Then, based on that observed level of inhomogeneity, we can simulate a variety of things, including:Fortunately for all of us, this is not “future work” where the answer is unknown, but work that was done by a large portion of the astrophysics community — including by me, personally — some 20 years ago.Back in 2005, a team of astrophysicists (Rocky Kolb, Tony Riotto, Sabino Matarrese, and Alessio Notari) suggested a version of this very idea: that dark energy doesn’t exist, and that the effects of inhomogeneity energy on the Universe is instead tricking us into seeing an expansion rate that differs from our predictions. Relatively swiftly, the astrophysics community concluded that this could not be the case. Here’s how we knew.Credit: Gabor Racz et al., 2017There are both gravitational potential terms (because of gravitational collapse/contraction) and also kinetic terms (because the matter is in motion), and both of those play a role and must be calculated. After performing those calculations — not just with a first-order or second-order approximation, but taking into account fully nonlinear inhomogeneities — a number of lessons emerge. The ending sentences from my 2005 paper, now a full 20 years old, remain tremendously timely, especially with regard to Wiltshire’s work and the attention it’s been getting. In particular:“The possibility that a known component of the universe may be responsible for the accelerated expansion remains intriguing. However, we conclude that sub-horizon perturbations are not a viable candidate for explaining the accelerated expansion of the universe.”There’s also something worth pointing out to those of you who aren’t experts, but are merely interested onlookers: David Wiltshire, who has been the leading proponent of the timescape cosmology, has been investigating exactly this type of “alternative to dark energy” ever since that idea was first proposed (and debunked) back in 2005. Some example papers include:Despite the fact that we have better type Ia supernovae data today than ever before, this “new research” is just a continuation of a longstanding research program that explores, but in no way proves or validates, an alternative idea to the mainstream. These ideas are important, but the consensus — at least for now — is that our understanding of large-scale structure precludes this from being physically relevant for our own Universe.To put it all together: yes, our Universe is not perfectly homogeneous and smooth, but instead is indeed lumpy and clumpy. It was born with small imperfections and inhomogeneities in it, and over time, those imperfections grew into the vast cosmic web, with galaxies, stars, planets, white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes all throughout it. Some regions really are of enormous density; others really are of a very low density.But the Universe is not so lumpy or clumpy that our foundational assumptions about it — that it’s isotropic and homogeneous on the largest scales — should be thrown out. The evidence for these properties of the Universe is very strong, as is evidence for the Universe being the same age and having (roughly) the same observed expansion rate in all directions and at all locations, save for the “evolution” that comes along with one simple fact: looking far away in space implies looking farther back in time.I expect timescape cosmology to remain an area of interest for a few select researchers, but not to gain a broader following based on this research. It’s exciting that a cosmological test has been concocted, but the truth is that dark energy’s existence is now based on a wide, robust suite of evidence that’s so comprehensive that even if we ignored all of the type Ia supernova data entirely, we would still be compelled to conclude that dark energy exists. It’s important to keep your mind open to new ideas, but to always let reality itself rein you back in. Like many new ideas, the timescape cosmology simply withers when faced with the full suite of cosmological evidence.Send in your Ask Ethan questions to startswithabang at gmail dot com!