March 18, 2025

Your lookahead horoscope: March 16, 2025 – The Globe and Mail

Pisces.iStockPhoto / Getty ImagesMake sure you get paid the proper rate when doing tasks for people in positions of power. One of the reasons they are rich and successful is that they prefer to make money for themselves rather than for others. That’s a lesson you need to learn.Don’t worry too much if you find it hard to get along with someone you work with during the early part of the week. Most likely they are flexing their muscles to show that they call the shots – but even if they do it won’t be for long!There have been so many changes in your world of late that you could probably do with a rest and you should get an opportunity to take life at an easier pace when the sun changes signs on the 20th. Slow down before you burn yourself out.The best way to deal with a long-standing problem is to come at it from a new direction. Others may advise you to stick with your current approach but deep down you know that isn’t going to work, so be a bit more adventurous in your thinking.As the sun moves closer to the career area of your chart you need to make sure that you are up to date in your professional training. If there are areas where you feel less than confident in your abilities now is the time to raise your standards.Don’t go crazy in your social activities during the early part of the week because big opportunities will be coming your way when the sun changes signs on Thursday and you must not tire yourself out before then. Be patient and conserve your energy.You need to get your priorities right over the coming week and your No 1 aim must be to get your financial house in better order. Stop spending money on trinkets you don’t really need and start planning new ways to add to your income.You will get a chance to improve something you made a mess of the first time around and this time you must get it right. Don’t listen to those who say you have no hope of success. Enjoy the looks on their faces when you prove them wrong.You will feel enjoyably light-hearted over the next few days but you still need to stay focused because there will be new challenges to deal with when the sun changes signs midweek. At the very least you will need to update your work routine.One of the best times of the year begins when the sun moves in your favour on Thursday. It will be better still if you resolve any outstanding issues you have with partners and colleagues. You should be working together, not against each other.You don’t mind taking on more responsibility, in fact you enjoy it, but don’t take on so much that you don’t have time for more important issues, relationships first and foremost. Organize your time so you can fit everything, and everyone, into your schedule.It may seem as if a colleague has got it in for you but the planets indicate you are overreacting to what at most was a minor slight and, more likely, never existed in the first place. Your workmates are very much on your side.Make the most of the sun’s last few days in your sign to get what you are working on to a level where it cannot be undone by anyone at a later date. If you focus on finishing what you have already started the rewards could be spectacular.Discover more about yourself at sallybrompton.comReport an editorial errorReport a technical issueEditorial code of conductAuthors and topics you follow will be added to your personal news feed in Following.© Copyright 2025 The Globe and Mail Inc. All rights reserved.Andrew Saunders, President and CEO


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