March 16, 2025

The Last of Us-Themed PS5 Controller Available to Pre-Order Now – Push Square

GuestGuestLogin | Sign UpPush SquareGuestLogin or Sign UpPriced at £74.99 / $84.99, out on 10th AprilThe Last of Us fans now have the chance to guarantee themselves a special PS5 accessory in the form of a DualSense controller themed entirely around the Naughty Dog series. Pre-orders for the pad are rolling out now, with its availability across the USA, UK, and select European countries going live at 10am local time. It costs $84.99 / €84.99 / £74.99 and will launch on 10th April 2025.Please note that some external links on this page are affiliate links, which means if you click them and make a purchase we may receive a small percentage of the sale. Please read our FTC Disclosure for more information.Have you pre-orderded a The Last of Us-themed PS5 DualSense controller? Let us know in the comments below.About Liam CroftLiam grew up with a PlayStation controller in his hands and a love for Metal Gear Solid. Nowadays, he’s found playing the latest and greatest PS5 games as well as supporting Derby County. That last detail is his downfall.Comments 48I love it except for the white triggers – they’ll be Dorito Orange in no time (other gaming snacks are available).Far too expensive, I also don’t undertand why don’t they do dualSense version for any of these, just imagine an Astrobot one!!That’s kinda hideous.That thing is so ugly. All the icons just feel randomly slapped onReminds me of Airwolf.Pre-order secured, another to add to the collection!That is really ugly, imo :[$84.99 and still a high chance to get stick drift.Awful design.I’ve pre-ordered this garbage. 😂Secured mineNot a very attractive repaint, and nothing else… not worth it for moi (already have 4 of them of different colors).Maybe for the PS6 controller they’ll finally add a better battery life and hall effect sticks – until then, no dice.Normally I’d buy anything TLoU-related and being a sucker for themed controllers (I own 7 different PS5 controllers already), I would be an obvious customer. But man, this design is just so loud and not in line with the design of the games.If you don’t squint your eyes to decipher the iconography, there’s nothing about this controller that indicates “The Last of Us” to me.Yeah that design is awful@Shad361 anything more than a very small chance probably means you’re too rough on your controllers. I’ve only had in once in four years (and plenty of others with me). Got a new one without any discussion.Should have come with a free golf club lol.Who designs this? 😂 It’ll still sell because people like TLOU but this looks awfulEh, it’s ok. I actually like the monochrome raised glossy icons on the black part but they appear to be just random and haphazard things (like the hat and the dialogue bubble). I would have preferred fewer icons limited to just specific TLoU references.That is a scandalous price imo.@Darude84 PS5 controllers with drift isn’t even remotely rare. Every enthusiast circle has tons of people with it, Ebay is filled with tons of used controllers with it being sold. There are whole services dedicated to repairing them on Ebay also.My PS1 and PS2 controllers never developed drift after 2 decades handled about 5x worse.@Shad361 Guess I and most others are just lucky then.@Darude84 “most others” lol If it’s as small as you claim, why was the replacement sticks on the dualsense edge one of the most advertised features of the controller?Almost like Sony know it happens and wants us to keep buying new controllers..@Shad361 Probably because those advertisements are being pushed to you because of your search history. Never seen those advertisements once.@Darude84 I don’t mean an actual ad,more like a blurb from Sony to tell us why it’s worth $199“It has removable joysticks!”@Shad361 same with me, in 30 years of playstation think i had a broken square button on my ps3 pad after about 6 years with it, and that’s it. in 4.5 years of ps5 I’ve had i think 5 now that have had bad stickdrift on the left stick and had to sell to CEX at a loss, 2 of them are so bad I’m embarrassed to take them in the shop to test lol, but also seems strange to throw away, paperweights nowAm I missing something? The pre-order link just goes to the main PlayStation direct page, not to the Last of Us controller…Edit: never mind; it’s working now.not a fan of LOU series. I have to pass it. enjoy your new controller.@PrincessPeach11 @Shad361 @Darude84I can also give my account. I’ve had 3 dual sense controllers get drift. It’s a massively widespread issue. Once you’ve had it happen and look into it, you realize that a large amount of people have gone through it.I never had drift or build quality issues with any other generation and meticulously take care of them. I’m no move the body with my inputs button masher either.The seconnd and third controllers developed drift in less than half the use the first one did and that was with them being used on an every other basis. The dual sense may have some cool features, but in 30 years of gaming, it’s by far the most expensive low build quality controller I’ve ever owned and it should be more talked about for the ridiculous price gouging they are doing with hardware this gen. I finally ponied up for a pro controller from a third party after this last one developed drift and couldn’t be happier sacrificing haptic for hall effect and not worrying about drift possibility in less than six months.Shad is absolutely correct here that there is an entire industry around fixing and selling these things because they are so shoddy in terms of joystick build quality.If you haven’t had one have it yet you just likely don’t game much or have gotten extremely lucky. I guarantee you if you poll even this biased community most will have had at least one with the issue if they’ve been in the Ps5 ecosystem for most of its lifespan thus far.That’s awful. Inverted the colours and slapped some stickers on it in no discernible order.Come on Sony, you can do better than a couple of stickers for a ” special edition”Sony getting us ready for $99.99 normal PS6 controllers. That’s the price I paid for a GameCube controller, that came w/ a free GameCube.😂 I think the Wii Mini Mario Kart bundle also launched at $99. 2DS might have been $99 at the end.Gaming is going to price itself into cloud gaming subscriptions on our smart tvs. Using our $1,000 phones as controllers.🤑Got mine! Will be replaying Part II when it arrives.So………. it’s black and white like the cow they’re milking with this game. Great game and all but give it a rest at this point.Holding out for a ghost of yotei controller personally@PrincessPeach11 No need to go into the store to test for stick drift. You can test your controllers with various apps on your phone. Pair the phone with the dualsense via bluetooth and a diagram of the controller on the phone screen will tell you which buttons you’re pressing and where it thinks the sticks are (which can be useful for diagnosing drift).On iOS the one I use is called “Game Controller Tester Gamepad”. controller, to look at. After a few months, you’ll start drifting to the left, or the right. Sony really needs to upgrade the stick *****.Damn fugly imo. I just want Sony to make the Nova Pink DualSense available in the USA again. Makes no sense that it’s still available in other regions but was limited in the US.I still think it looks like it was created by (badly-trained) AI, and half expect to see a third joystick coming out the side or something.Gonna skip it, final decision. While the color scheme isn’t bad, it’s also not great (IMO) and that just leaves “for collection purposes” as my only reason to get it. And if we’re going by that logic, there’s at least 2-3 other DualSenses I don’t own. If we’re talking just the limited edition ones, I do not have the Concord one (lol) or the Lebron James one, so I think I’m good skipping this one.That has to be the laziest “special” controller on market…. and the price. Yea, no.85 bucks for a DualSense controller is wild… sh*t better come with thumbsticks that don’t get stick drift.Awful. Looks like something a degenerate 12 year old doodled whilst sat at the back of maths class chewing gum.I actually wouldn’t mind the plain colour scheme if you removed all the decals though.Albeit the colour scheme doesn’t scream Last of Us, but just as a standalone plain black and white controller it would be ok.Yeah, no. I don’t think so. 3 of my Dualsense controllers started drifting after a year. Never seen such ***** QA in my PS controllers before. Must be getting their drift-tech from the same place as nintendo. Embarrassing. 😑If it didn’t have all the branding and wasn’t 110 bucks in Canada (even the anniversary controller was 100) Id get one. Love the color scheme but I do not and never have cared for the Last of Us franchise. I know that’s what a lot of people say to just be contrarian, but I genuinely don’t have interest even though I absolutely respect its popularity, quality and story. It’s a great franchise, just not for me.@LuXifer if you’re in Toronto my buddy’s shop is the one local business that does TMR sticks. But yeah, Sony’s quality control has gone down hill lately. The one that came with my ps5 pro drifted in less than a month.Goddamn $85 nah I’m goodI think astrobot is the only custom controller playstation have released that isn’t horrible this genThe Yorkshire Tea controller had more consideration for it’s source material than this. What a missed opportunity. 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