Switch 2 Predicted To Cost “$400 Or More” – Nintendo Life

GuestGuestLogin | Sign UpNintendo LifeGuestLogin or Sign UpIt could also be the “biggest console launch ever”Switch 2 is on the horizon and analysts are predicting it to be the “biggest-ever console launch” in the industry’s history as well as the “pricest” Nintendo machine to date.Bloomberg has spoken to multiple analysts who “regularly communicate the company” and its “software and hardware partners” and it’s believed it could come with a price tag of “$400 or more”. The US tariffs might also “complicate the picture and pressure Nintendo’s margins”.The Toyko-based industry-watcher Serkan Toto expects the system to “sell boatloads” in its opening months regardless of the price – noting how an exciting lineup of games can be expected across the current and next-generation Nintendo systems this year:“We can expect a great software lineup in year one, from new Mario Kart and 3D Mario after eight years to Pokémon Legends: Z-A and Metroid Prime 4. There will also be third-party support from day one, most probably including blockbusters like Call of Duty.”Macquarie Capital analyst Hiroshi Yamashina has also chimed in – suggesting the Switch will be priced between $399 and $449, and Toyo Securities analyst Hideki Yasuda estimates it could go as high as $499. Nintendo is believed to have a “first-day inventory” of around “6 million to 8 million” units, which could establish the new hardware as the “biggest console launch ever”.Nintendo is expected to share more details about the price and release date of the Switch 2 during its April broadcast. The latest predictions follow a similar story in February, suggesting the Switch 2 would be about $400.A complete guide to Switch 2 – confirmed details, rumours, leak historyAbove the Switch, but below its competitorsFollowing multiple rumoursWhat are your thoughts about this price point? Do you think Switch 2 could end up being the biggest console launch to date? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.[source bloomberg.com]About Liam DoolanLiam is a news writer and reviewer for Nintendo Life and Pure Xbox. He’s been writing about games for more than 15 years and is a lifelong fan of Mario and Master Chief.Comments 101So basically what everyone has been saying for weeks.It was never going to be $350 and Nintendo would be inane to charge as much as these so called luxury consoles.Well, reasonable price. But I’m waiting for the White bundle.The price could be $500 dollars and I’d still buy it. As long as it continues to be cheaper then their competitors, Nintendo console will always sell.$400 is a reasonable price. Any higher would be pushing it in my opinion.$400 or more is very broad, very easy prediction since it encompasses pretty much all likely scenarios.There’s absolutely no reason why it should cost a single cent more than the original Switch did in 2017.$479.99 for Switch 2@TimelessJubilee $300 was pushing the price on the original/current SwitchJust paint it gold and slap a triforce on it please. Will pay whatever you want.@Anti-Matter for once, I agree with you!I want a Wii-esque look! White with Blue lights!I’m guessing it’s either $429 or $449! Ironically I have a thread running in the forums discussing the potential for the Switch 2 launch to be the biggest launch ever. I think it’s gonna be a record breaking launch.https://www.nintendolife.com/forums/nintendo-switch-2/switch_2_nintendors_biggest_launch_ever?start=80#reply-86Way too high. It’s powered by low power mobile technology in a thin iPad style design. $300 would be best for most Nintendo fans. $350 max.I can’t see the Switch 2 over $400 given Nintendo’s own words to keep it “affordable”. Perhaps $420 as a worse case scenario, and I can still see it under $400, like $370. Remember, the current LCD Switch (Switch 2 rumoured to be LCD) sells at $300 so $70 to $100 is a significant increase, especially considering the Switch is 8 years old and must be significantly cheaper to produce these days. Had those cost savings been passed on, the original Switch is really a $250 product at retail level (or less), so a $400 Switch 2 is a massive $150 increase. Also remember, Nintendo don’t drop their prices (except for exceptional situations like the 3DS not selling), so the launch price is the permanent price. If Nintendo want mass penetration, it must be affordable. Nothing would breed excitement than a sub $400 figure.Tariffs are a non issue as Japanese electronics are not in the discussion. Even if 10% was added for some reason, that’s on the importer’s cost, so the level behind the wholesaler and the retailer and their mark up, meaning perhaps $20 to the consumer. Inflation hasn’t touched electronic goods in years, and the small spike a few years ago was due to supply chain problems. Even here, they are speculating $400 as an option so everything looks promising. Of course, we’ll know for sure in 3 weeks anyway.I agree that it won’t be cheap, but it’ll still sell. $400 is just the floor. Tariffs could jack up the price in the U.S. and hardcore fans would still bite the bullet and buy it, though it remains to be seen whether more “casual” consumers here would be that willing. It’ll still be hard to find in stores. Just let there be games, games, games!@Anti-Matter Yeah, even if it’s the only alternative, I would gladly take a white one. I’ve felt more meh about the black and salmon over time.PSA: New Rumors suggest (completed) consoles have already begun shipping to NA markets since January 2025.$400 to $450 is fine with me. I have spent 8 great years building a library with the Switch and the new one will be backwards compatible.I was the oddball waiting in line at the Switch midnight release so I could buy a WiiU copy of BotW. I instead waited a year and a half to buy a Switch, and only bought it then after using an eBay promo to knock the price down to ~$250.I plan to wait on Switch 2. I doubt I will be as lucky this go around on finding a deal, but I also won’t have to worry about FOMO on a nice special edition console because I already purchased the base model. I will however buy games for the system ahead of time.@Bizzyb If you believe North American warehouses currently hold Switch 2 consoles before Nintendo has even properly debuted the system to the world… well there’s a hold line of refrigerators in Antarctica that you might be interested in!Yeah, $400 is what it’ll probably be, $450 max. At $400, only $50 more than a Switch OLED, that would be a fantastic price.Biggest console launch is also a very strong possibility. If it’s only $400, launches with Mario kart and coming off the success of the current Switch? I can absolutely see it doing that.It may be the biggest console launch but it doesn’t mean it will be successful.I think $400 is the sweet spot. At the very least, if it’s more than that and doesn’t launch with a few must-play games, then I’ll be waiting to buy one until I run out of Switch games to play. That’ll probably still take a good couple years.But, but, but didn’t the other guy say…Here’s the Switch 2 price prediction that I could get out of this.
$300 and we could finally retired the Switch 1.
$350 is affordable.
$400 is understandable.
Or more and it will fail miserably.I , as financial pro analyst , predict Switch 2 at 409 $ cost and lunch between april and december 2025 …does this even classify as a prediction? This is basically common sense, though I’m not sure about that other prediction.Also, $400 isn’t that bad when you consider the fact that the 8 year old console is still $300.In New Zealand the standard Switch is $550 new which is roughly $300usd. If the Switch 2 is over $400usd, that would make it close to or over $800nzd. I couldn’t see casuals and parents wanting to pay that much.I’m hyped either way. I get that it looks really safe but it’s a console launch so yeah I’m excited.$400 is okay. Actually this is the price I expect.$450 is like ehhh, okay I guess.$500: uh oh. Consumers are squeezed by the same economic forces squeezing Nintendo. There’s less disposable income right now. I literally cannot afford $500. It’s got nothing to do with whether the system is “worth it”. Even $400 is going to require deliberately saving up money (something I started doing in January). My video game budget is literally like $20 a month right now.According to Google at the current exchange rates $400 is equivalent to roughly £310.That sounds perfectly reasonable to me and if that turns out to be correct I’d be more than happyHaven’t I read this article on NintendoLife two or three times already? How many “analysts” need to predict this exact thing before it stops being news?Not surprising in the slightest if it’s $400. The day 1 buy value prop needs to be a compelling launch lineup and, for me, a lineup of day 1 enhancement patches for existing games.Analyst’s will analystThat quote mentions 3D Mario and Metroid prime 4 which is interesting but not surprisingI was a day 1 launch on the 3ds which let’s face it was just a ds with some minor enchantments. They priced it wrong and dropped it within months.I can see the same happening again.The switch has sold extremely well but let’s face it 2 looks like a switch with some minor enhancements.The lineup will dictate if it’s worth it for kids to upgrade at Christmas. Maybe Mario Kart 9 will be enough but we’ll see.I’m debating weather my backlog is big enough to delay my purchase till a deal is available.@Jiggies …apart from inflation. Oh and tariffs. Apart from those two, yeah absolutely no reason.I am also an analyst with a groundbreaking prediction: The Switch 2 could cost money and could even have games. Some of those games could be popular. There will probably be a new Mario game and other things that have already been confirmedBloomberg has spoken to multiple analysts who “regularly communicate the company” and its “software and hardware partners” and it’s believed it could come with a price tag of “$400 or more”.
Here’s the problem Bloomberg has been wrong so who’s this analysts they are talking about? I have little faith in them knowing what they are talking about. As the analyst could be their own saying it was a analyst. What kinda communications are we talking here just PR? Most likely this is what it is.Man so many analysts here, I’m one too btw…I said the whole time the system is going to cost between 400 and 500 bucks…It will also release this year! There will be games on it from Nintendo as well as from other companies.@prw_88 I find it hard to believe that it won’t be successful… nintendo really needs to mess it up for it. I believe everyone is just craving for the switch 2 and in the first year it will sell crazy numbers. If it’s going to have a long tail, we have to see. Another Animal Crossing combined with a pandemic is unlikelyThat’s fine, I sold some things specifically for my Switch 2 fund and I can cover that fully. If it’s closer to the low end, I’ll be able to get a game, too, without having to use anything from my bank account.The NES up until the GameCube all released at the same price of 200 USD, and those were big technical leaps from one system to the next. It feels strange that the Switch 2 will be significantly more expensive in that regard, since it appears to be just a minor upgrade. But we’ll be able to judge it better when we get the full picture.If it’s more than 399.99 it will fail in the market (compared to NS). But even at that price point it wont break the 100 million units sales because of internal competition:
https://www.reddit.com/r/totallyswitched/s/Hsdd5KWB9yLet’s remember, first and foremost, that it’s a toy, it just runs games. It must be taken into account.For many years there have been lots of people who spend 1000-1500$ for a phone they swap out every 1-2 years.At the same time those thought more than 400 bucks for a console that they keep more than 5 years were too expensive…Times probably changed, because PC Handhelds up over 1000$ sell enough to get new models almost every year already.If you compare the price of a Handheld to a phone, 500$ isn’t expensive.£/$400 feels too much to me. Out of impulse territory. £350 sweet spot@Jiggies Inflation, energy cost, profit and greed have entered the chat.Yeah it was never going to be $350 like the OLED. I don’t know why some people believed that. Of course here’s hoping it won’t go beyond $450.@GrailUK and the cost increase on components that never really came down after the pandemic.you have to take what analysts say with a grain of salt just only yesterday some are predicting switch 2 will outsell switch 1 in console sales which is impossible given the higher price and the lack of a pandemic which kept everyone at home playing video games. this time around..I just hope in order to combat scalpers Nintendo will offer the Switch 2 on their store for people with an active Online subscription. (With stock at retailers for everyone else).I say: the Switch 2 will cost a much as it will cost!Believe me I’m an expert.Imagine the tariffs will make this feel very expensive in America.Hoping for £400 in the UK because my OG Switch really needs to go to the big recycling centre in the sky now.Another Mario Kart 🥱 or Metroid, or Pokémon are not enough to make me drop $400 on this. Give me a new Animal Crossing game at launch and I’ll buy it, day 1.Hopefully the tariffs only bump up the American price, don’t see why us Europeans should pay more as well.@ayto I’m hoping they don’t go as high as £400 in the UK as that’s pushing it within striking distance of the PS5, especially if Sony give the base model a price cut.Seems like a good price, especially considering the inflation since the original Switch’s launch.As practically everyone predicted (me included although to be precise my prediction has always been $/€ 399, give or take 50 at most) but anyway, fingers crossed its starting price will indeed be $/€399 etc. – doesn’t matter to me personally as I’ve just preordered it at €389,99 from my usual retailer here in Italy and yes, it’s the same one that had it at €364,99 for a very limited time which I unfortunately missed, but still!My guess is £389.99Biggest console launch ever is great for Nintendo, but just a word of caution that it isn’t actually always that great for us. All those millions of machines just sat in warehouses for months on end combined with the rush to produce such a volume of them will mean a lot of defects – a lot as in a higher relative percentage than if it was a smaller launch.Choose your vendor carefully I’d say.@Jiggies inflation maybe?UK, Europe, Canada, and the rest of the world don’t have tariffs on Japanese products. It may cost more in the US, but that doesn’t mean that will translate to sensible countries.You don’t scare me. I have just crossed 300 pounds in Nectar Points. I WILL either buy this outright, or pay very little, courtesy of Sainsbury’s shopping! Lol.(British Supermarket + Thier points reward scheme for readers outside the UK)With over $1000 phones every year, $400 / $500 for a console for 7-8 years? I’m fine with that.But honestly we’ll have to wait until Nintendo officially announces the pricing.@Jiggies Inflation was a lot lower in 2017@MSaturn And you’re not alone man. Most people’s budgets are tighter than they’ve been in a long time. $400, which is the least the so-called experts are predicting, is already significant for mostIf it’s just £400 that’s probably a bit too much because we have waited 7 Years for a console that is going to only sell about 30M units BRUH I am not hating but i am just going to stay with my Nintendo Switch (oled) until a good console comes out.I’m expecting $450 and not ruling out the possibility of it being $500400-450 seems right to me. It’ll be nice if they throw something in like an added year of Nintendo online or something. I’m just hoping with these 9 million or so supposed systems ready, it’ll be easier to find than past Nintendo releases.I hope the PS5 Astro Bot bundle (PS5 console + 2024 Astro Bot game) for $399 (digital console)/$449 (disc console) keeps Switch 2 pricing in check.@Bizzyb No way it was that early, if it was, someone would have posted it.@MSaturn You aren’t going to be happy with the new $70 price tag on pretty much ALL Nintendo games!nintendo really needs to evaluate the currencies around the world. $400USD is equivalent to the $580CAD ps5 slim (digital) here in canada. isn’t that an absurd thought that the switch 2 will be priced alongside the ps5? anything more than $300-350USD is going to be a tough sell for everyone but the most hardcore enthusiasts and we all know that the majority of switch users are casuals. i’ll sit this launch period out. sales will likely slump after year 1 and nintendo will have no choice but to drop the price. hopefully this is a 3DS sort of situation and they course correct when they realize they overvalued their product.Dr Evil Voice:Switch 2 price will be 1 million dollars!@Porco The PS5 doesn’t need to include a screen or speakers, for what that’s worth.To all the geniuses babbling about inflation, the PS5 is still $500, the Switch 2 shouldn’t cost anywhere close to that.And it’s not like Nintendo doesn’t tend to overprice stuff, like when the 3DS launched at $250 (was that inflation too?) and they had to drop it to $170 just a few months after when they realized their launch price was ridiculous.@Spider-Kev It’s been posted and most likely is fact.Also, it makes absolute complete sense if Nintendo wants to sell 5+ Million systems in 3-4 markets at launch. You have to begin production and stockpiling several months ahead of time, not 2 months before launch (if the launch is in May or June)@LastFootnote the screen is $50 and the speakers are $20 at best. the guts of the switch 2 is going to be equivalent to a base ps4. let’s put this into context: the base ps4 is roughly 5X less powerful than the ps5 (by measure of TFLOPS), meaning, the switch 2 will be roughly 5X less powerful than the base ps5, yet will be retailing at a similar price point in many countries. let that sink in. it doesn’t make sense and if one views the hardware objectively, the switch 2 will be grossly overpriced at $400USD.Going past $400usd is going to stop families from buying it on release day. This isn’t small change for a family of say 4 people. Even if they get two that’s ~$800usd smackers. Not something to laugh about. Core gamers not so much but if they want a family gaming system making it cost family alot isn’t going to sell well. They will wait with Switch OLED til holiday and that’s not what Nintendo wants.@Porco Looks like a brand-new PS4 currently costs about $310. Adding your estimates for screen and speaker costs brings it up to $380. So, $400 seems spot-on? I don’t understand your argument.@LastFootnote may i ask where you found a brand new ps4 at that price? i hope that wasn’t ebay or amazon 3rd party prices haha. naw, the MSRP of the ps4 slim was $299USD in 2016. the price went as low as $199USD a few years later. that’s old tech by today’s standards… the switch 2 is competing with 2013 performance standards but will have the price tag of a ps5… well, if you think that makes sense, all the power to you To both your talking November 15, 2013 tech. Don’t see why people keep harping on 2013 tech as though technology doesn’t move on. This is 2025 tech that’s so far from 2013 but people keep thinking Switch is using 2017 LCD when clearly Sony Portal has LCD but no one knock on that they should use 2017 LCD panels. Switch 2 has 2025 performance in tech with PS5 technologies it can’t ubber powertrip like PS5 but their tech behind Switch 2 clearly is getting AAA games so why do people keep harping 2017 tech as though Nintendo should be limited to using only 2017 tech?I always find it comical Analysts can predicated when it Rains. When it comes from Bloomberg as much as rubbing salt in festering wounds.@Shade_Koopa You can currently buy a PS5 console, with Astro’s Playroom and Astro Bot for $399.99 at Amazon.It won’t be cheaper than the competition. But it will play Nintendo games, and that counts for a lot.This is the most troubling part of Bloomberg.”On price, the analysts Bloomberg spoke to are unanimous”How can you ever trust that means it’s just rumors at this point.@Porco I see. Thanks for the info. I had to make do with an internet search since I couldn’t find hard historical data.Well a Switch 2 is much smaller than a PS4 Slim, but your mileage may vary on how much that’s worth to you. Personally $400 seems reasonable to me assuming it’s roughly comparable to PS4 capabilities. At $450 I’ll blame the chaotic tariffs and suck it up. $500 feels extreme.This is a tangent, but I am worried that a lot of games won’t run well even on Switch 2 just due to developers not bothering to optimize for it.I suspected it would be around $400, but anything higher will overkill the system for a short period of time. Yeah, you can use the excuse of the global economy, but if the system doesn’t have the games it needs, the power, marketing, and basic functions that people have been asking for, Nintendo is in deep trouble. I don’t know I’m starting to get worried.@UltimateOtaku91 That’s my thinking too, I suspect American markets going up but it would be odd to do it for European markets and maybe the Japanese market but then again a few months ago the PS5 had to be raised a couple yens due to inflation and whatnot from the Japanese market.@TenEighty lol. So you want it to cost the same as the original 8 years ago?, 300$ after 30% accumulative inflation is 400$… seems right. Technically both consoles will cost the same, inflation considered.@Jiggies The switch was 300$ 8 years ago.. it selled awesome.
After 8 years, or 30% of inflation, that give us about 400%.
Why would they sell it for less?@Zequio Nintendo’s history shows that when an increase did happen, it was $50 USD. Not $100+. So no, I do not think it will be a $400+ console. Specially since it uses low power mobile chips.@TenEighty Nintendo recent History:
-GC, 2001=$199 ($353 adjusted for inflation)
-Wii, 2006=$249 ($389 Adjunsted)
-Wii U, 2012=$349 ($477 adjusted)
-Switch, 2017=$299 ($399 adjusted)
-Switch 2, 8 years later ??lol, What history are you talking about?
The Switch had a low power mobile chip… it sell very well at its price… EIGHT YEARS AGO.@LastFootnote This is a tangent, but I am worried that a lot of games won’t run well even on Switch 2 just due to developers not bothering to optimize for it.
What are you smoking man. This is what a NintenDoomed fandom would say that about the Switch or Switch 2. But did you look at sales are 150mils+ Switch and all time software sales record but yet. The old tried and Failed attempt at making themselves look bad.So that’s $579 CAD? And then another $200+ for two Switch 2 Pro Controllers, another $120 for a 2nd pair of S2 Joycon’s, topped with a few games is going to run me at least a grand easily.For people who gamed docked-only on a TV like myself. The Switch 1 felt like an XBOX360 Plus, but with HD Rumble and semi broken unreliable reference-less Gyro aiming when using the Pro Controller. @Zequio
NES – 1985 – $180
SNES – 1991 – $200 ($20 increase)
N64 – 1996 – $200
GC – 2001 – $200
Wii – 2006 – $250 ($50 increase)
Wii U – 2012 – $300 ($50 increase)
Switch – 2017 – $300
Switch 2 – 2025 – maybe $350 ($50 increase)I can not see it being $100 or more increase. Prices in USD.@SwitchForce We’re talking about two different things here. I don’t think the Switch 2 will fail. I plan to buy one ASAP. I’m just hoping games run well on it. I’m pretty tired of devs not bothering to make sure their games actually run well on the Switch for the last year or two.@Jiggies There’s a giant one called inflation. $299 in 2017 is equivalent to $391 today.@TenEighty That would make sense except if you follow the inflation rate all of those numbers track pretty well from the 80’s to 2017. It’s after that things get completely messed up. Every point along the way you’re looking at a $20-$40 split which would explain the $50 upticks. Even the extra charge for the OLED makes sense in 22(?) tracks. Between 17 and now it’s nearly $100 so the system jumping to $399 makes sense. They didn’t always go to the next $50 bound on the systems (manufacturing and parts fluctuate within that), so a $379 might be feasible. But things have gone pretty sideways the last few years.Inflation or not, those were the selling prices for 3 decades. So why would you expect a $100+ increase? If the spike was that great from 2017, we would be in huge trouble. Nobody would be purchasing a Switch 2. Food would be scarce.Highly doubt machine is gonna cost 500+!It was going to be $400 until tariff uncertainty raised it to $450.@kereke12 It’ll launch with a Mario Kart and 3D Mario in the launch window. It’ll do fine at worst. Show CommentsLeave A CommentHold on there, you need to login to post a comment…New 18+ LEGO Mario Kart Set Is A Better Build Than We ExpectedPole position on our wishlistsNintendo & Pokémon Company Had An “Adversarial Relationship”, Say Former NOA Staffers”There was a little bit of salt”Rumour: Xbox Expected To Join Switch 2 With A New Handheld This YearMicrosoft could be testing the waters…Switch Emulator ‘NxEmu’ Is Back And Hopes To Avoid Nintendo’s WrathHeh, good luckSwitch 2 Filings Show Support For Wi-Fi 6Better, faster 51News Star Wars: Hunters Servers To Close Later This Year 26News ‘Operation Night Strikers’ Brings Four Action-Packed Arcade Classics To Switch This Year 37Opinion Against All Odds – Why Does RPG RNG Hate Me? 5News We’re Really Digging This New Range Of Shovel Knight Clothing 31News Nintendo’s MAR10 Day eShop Sale Welcomes A Handful Of Sweet Savings (North America)News Niantic Sells Pokémon GO And Entire Gaming Division For $3.5 BillionGuide Pokémon Scarlet & Violet: Mystery Gift Codes ListNews New 18+ LEGO Mario Kart Set Is A Better Build Than We ExpectedGuide Best Cheap Nintendo Switch GamesNews Chrono Trigger To Celebrate 30th Anniversary With “Various Projects…News Nintendo & Pokémon Company Had An “Adversarial Relationship&qu…News Star Fox Veteran’s New Game Is Channelling Serious Lylat EnergyGuide Best Nintendo Switch RPGsNews Splatoon 3 Version 9.3.0 Out Now, Here Are The Full Patch NotesNews Capcom Provides Update On Game Changes In ‘Fighting Collection 2’Popular Right NowShow More Join 1,511,103 people following Nintendo Life:© 2025 Hookshot Media, partner of IGN Entertainment | Hosted by 44 Bytes | AdChoices | Do Not Sell My Personal Information
Source: https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2025/03/switch-2-predicted-to-cost-usd400-or-more