Sonos Cancels Its Most Promising Release of the Year – Gear Patrol

The upcoming component was expected to unlock new features from Sonos’s existing speakers.
By Tucker Bowe ·After a troubling end of the year for Sonos — spearheaded by an app fiasco, lackluster sales of its Ace headphones and company-wide layoffs — 2025 started off with a lot of promise. This was primarily because rumors indicated that Sonos was gearing up to release a first-of-a-kind product for the brand: a TV streaming box (a la Apple TV) that promised to unlock new features from its speakers and soundbars. It was codenamed “Pinewood” and was expected to be released in the coming months.But alas, that doesn’t appear to be the case anymore.As reported by The Verge‘s Chris Welch — the same journalist to break the news about Sonos’s “Pinewood” last month — Sonos has apparently pulled on the plug and will not release a TV streaming box.In the article, Welch writes: “The product, codenamed Pinewood, was set to be Sonos’ next major hardware launch. It was already deep into development and has spent months in beta testing. But now the team behind it will be reassigned to other projects as interim CEO Tom Conrad reprioritizes the company’s future roadmap and continues what he hopes will be a turnaround from a bruising 2024.”It’s a real bummer for Sonos super fans — which would’ve been Pinewood’s targeted demographic — because of what the TV streaming box promised: to create an even more immersive home theater system with Sonos speakers. It was reportedly going to solve other issues that have plagued Sonos home theater systems for years, such as audio delays and signal dropouts.According to Welch, Sonos plans to work on products that are on its future roadmap. But it’s unclear what those exactly are.Sonos recently released the Arc Ultra, a new flagship Dolby Atmos soundbar, but its midrange and entry-level soundbars, the Beam 2 and Ray, aren’t due for an update yet. Its Era 100 and Era 300 smart speakers are less than two years old, as are both its portable speakers, the Roam 2 and Move 2. It would be cool if Sonos released a new and improved version of its Five, its best-sounding standalone speaker, which is coming up at five years old. However, no rumors indicate that that’s next on Sonos’s upgrade list. For more information on the cancellation of Sonos’s TV streaming box, check out The Verge’s article.
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