March 3, 2025

All It’s Not Over Yet tasks and rewards in Pokémon Go – Dot Esports

Published: Feb 28, 2025 05:46 pm
The Unova Tour 2025 event is available in Pokémon Go, and all players can participate in the weekend-long celebration of the Unova region. The event closes out the Dual Destiny season, and those who purchased a ticket for the Global event also get the It’s Not Over Yet Special Research.Only those who purchased the Global ticket can access the It’s Not Over Yet Special Research. This comes with all the rewards you’ll get during the event and comes with a critical choice you have to make: Do you go with the Black or White ticket version? It’s a branching path all ticket holders get after completing the first task, and the choice matters as it determines your rewards. Here’s what you need to know about all tasks and rewards for It’s Not Over Yet in Pokémon Go and if you should go with the Black or White ticket version.The Unova Tour 2025 event is for the full weekend of March 1 to 2, and is from 10am to 6pm in your local time zone. When it goes live on March 1 at 10am, the It’s Not Over Yet Special Research should appear in your inventory, and the event goes live. You can start working on the various tasks that appear, along with the benefits of the weekend event, such as rotating habitats, Black and White Kyurem raids, and Field Research tasks.Even those who purchased the Global ticket can take part in the event. They can still take part in the five-star raids, catch Pokémon, and receive several bonuses for logging into the game.After completing the first task, It’s Not Over Yet, all players will have a choice to go with the Black or White version of the ticket. This choice offers different rewards based on which you select, and you’ll want to decide which you want, depending on if you wish to have the Black or White Kyurem. For those who want to track down Black Kyurem, select the Black branching path, and if you want White Kyurem, choose the White branching path.The ticket choice also determines the type of Kyurem you can catch after completing Black or White Kyurem five-star raids. The ticket allows you to see a Kyurem that knows Glaciate after completing a Black or White Kyurem raid, and it’s a charged move that you need to learn if you want to complete its fusion with Reshiram or Zekrom. When you select the Black version ticket, it’s from the Black Kyurem raids; for the White version ticket, it’s White Kyurem. Without a Kyurem that knows Glaciate, it can’t fuse into its final form.However, there are smaller rewards available that also change. For example, the Black version allows you to catch Gothita and Vullaby as reward encounters, and the White version has you catching Solosis and Rufflet. These are relatively minor rewards compared to getting a Black or White Kyurem.After the second task, there’s a third one where you must pick between Snivy, Tepig, and Oshawott. This changes up the third task for all ticket holders, but the final two rewards should be the same, entirely based on if you chose the Black or White ticket version.When it comes to the Snivy, Tepig, or Oshawott choice, it’s asking what rewards you want to receive for task three. This one gives you a good amount of candy for the Pokémon you choose, and based on this choice, we highly recommend Snivy. Of the three, Snivy has the most use of the Unova starter Pokémon, as its final form, Serperior, is exceptionally good in the Great League. Oshawott is a strong second choice, but Tepig is dead last. We do not recommend Tepig in Pokémon Go, as it is one of the weakest Fire-type Pokémon in the mobile game.These are the various tasks and rewards you’ll receive as you complete the It’s Not Over Yet Special Research in Pokémon Go.All task one completion rewards: 2,025 XP, 2,025 Stardust, and a Patrat encounterAll task two (Black version ticket) completion rewards: Three Reshiram candyAll task two (White version ticket) completion rewards: Three Zekrom candyAll task three (Snivy choice) completion rewards: 25 Snivy Candy and five Snivy XL CandyAll task three (Tepig choice) completion rewards: 25 Tepig Candy and five Tepig XL CandyAll task three (Oshawott choice) completion rewards: 25 Oshawott candy and five Oshawott XL CandyAll task four (Black version ticket) completion rewards: Five Reshiram Candy, a Reshiram XL Candy, and 2,025 XPAll task four (White version ticket) completion rewards: Five Zekrom Candy, a Zekrom XL Candy, and 2,025 XP


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