March 1, 2025

31.6.2 Patch Notes – Hearthstone

Patch 31.6.2, launching today, includes the following updates and bug fixes.There are no Hearthstone-mode balance changes coming this patch. Instead, we’re doing a large balance update in Patch 32.0, including both our normal balance pass for cards rotating into Wild and a sizeable balance pass on cards staying in Standard.Those changes will be made to give Into the Emerald Dream the best chance for success in a post-rotation environment, while letting Heroes of StarCraft and some older decks have a bit more time to shine in the current metagame until then. Delaying those changes lets us do what’s best for both metagames.Here’s a preview of some of the things we’re looking at toning down:The full scope of the changes will be announced ahead of the 32.0 patch notes. Until then, keep jamming your favorite decks and enjoying reveal season. We’ll have a lot more information to share in a few weeks.Dev Comment: This patch we focused on fixing various unintended interactions and making a few power adjustments. Specifically, we adjusted down the power of Raynor, Elementals, and Naga, while increasing the power of Kerrigan, Beasts, Dragons, Murlocs, and Quilboar. We also shuffled the power around a bit in Undead and Demons to try to smooth out their play experience. We are still gathering feedback on which Anomalies are the most fun to play with, and we’ll continue to adjust the Anomaly pool throughout the rest of the season.Jim RaynorArtanisKerrigan, Queen of BladesTae’thelan BloodwatcherGreyboughThe Great AkazamzarakArm of the EmpireNalaa the RedeemerSlitherspear, Lord of GainsFloating WatcherBatty TerrorguardForest RoverTurquoise SkittererGentle DjinniNether DrakeDozy WhelpCoast GuardGemsplitterBoar GamerPokey ThornmantleImplant SubjectChampion of the PrimusDeadstomperEternal KnightAnub’arak, Nerubian KingEyes of the Earth Mother


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