50 Times People Spotted The World Glitching Out And Just Had To Take A Photo (New Pics) – Bored Panda

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He’s always wondered about the reality of the world around him. Thanks to a “glitch in the matrix”, he finds out that humanity is indeed stuck in a simulated reality run by intelligent machines. It appears Neo isn’t the only one who has come across glitches in his world. People have been sharing photos online where their surroundings appear less than real. Bored Panda has compiled a list of our favorites. Some look like glitches. Others could pass for bad renders. A few might even make you wonder if you’re living in a simulated reality.It appears Neo isn’t the only one who has come across glitches in his world. People have been sharing photos online where their surroundings appear less than real. Bored Panda has compiled a list of our favorites. Some look like glitches. Others could pass for bad renders. A few might even make you wonder if you’re living in a simulated reality.This post may include affiliate links. Share icon cjams1388 Report Whatever it is, I like it and I want one. Share icon Punch_Your_Facehole Report Roblox got real. Share icon Willyyz Report The Upside down!”Hacktivist” group Anonymous describes a glitch in the matrix as “moments when our perception of reality falters, hinting that our world might not be as solid and predictable as we believe”, adding that the experiences could suggest something is amiss in the fabric of reality itself. Share icon GShockly Report I love crystal clear water! Share icon gsuhrie Report How are they casting a shadow on the sky? Share icon 0MattyJ0 Report Cheshire cat disappearing in 3… 2… Share icon GhostInThePrompt Report That’s cool Share icon hoerr Report That looks like the surface of a death star or robot planet. Share icon frameRAID Report Their mission – to baldly go where no man has gone before… Share icon HopefulSwine2 Report That’s cause the different types of clouds form at different altitudes and thus can exist at same place without interfering or interacting with each other . Share icon johnnydoodookink Report His timeline is collapsing and he’s starting to fade out of old pictures Share icon ssigea Report Ceiling cat is visiting the litter box, please check back later. Share icon Durkss Report Upvote for doggo! Share icon LSD25hoffmans-potion Report Vogon jet skis. Share icon mjf2923 Report Loop shadow is coming from a different, higher source. Share icon FuriouslyStackingHam Report My eyes! My eyes are pining! Share icon whywee Report What is that human-shaped cardboard-like thingy?! Share icon seyfaro Report Ah this is the lodging of the genie who got stuck with me, it all makes sense Share icon tinyclap Report Looks kind of like an Impressionist painting. Van Gogh maybe. Share icon TG– Report Poor birds Share icon reddit.com Report The building where Ozympic is made. Share icon UpvotesFreely Report Orange Barrels, Orange Barrels, Orange Barrels, Share icon freebird003 Report That’s confusing… Share icon tommytwooo Report My brain!! -or what little of it I have left-!! Share icon lizziegolucky Report And the world is a vampire. But me? Im a termite chokin on the splinters. Share icon nskd_sr Report I don’t understand the reality of this one at all. Share icon aI03owolkY Report Video game dungeon from 1995 Share icon xMethyy Report And the dog looks like it’s trying to say please make him go away Share icon Kelly240361 Report HOW Share icon King_Richard_II Report Looks like a gorilla face. Share icon sadturtle12 Report I think Peter pan/ aladdin got rich and upgraded to a flying cruise ship instead of a carpet and a pirate ship lol 😆 Share icon a3y3 Report This happens everywhere from the Tropic of Cancer to the Tropic of Capricorn. Twice a year the sun will be perfectly overhead (solar noon) so the only part of any object that isn’t directly in the sun’s rays are the parts that are on the ground. Hence, no direction from which to cast a shadow. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lahaina_Noon Share icon irukubo Report Hotel or PRISON?? Share icon TheFabulousVico Report A death trap for birds and some short sighted humans Share icon thespacewalker619 Report Share icon JeanRalphiyo Report My brain doesn’t like this Share icon Funnygurl34 Report But he’s got somebody, you can see their shoes Share icon WarToasters Report On top of and completely covering a third planter. Share icon veggie_runner Report Share icon castledanger61 Report -and you found a hoverquad??!! send me the link 😹 Share icon izurra Report I sometimes feel like I lose a dimension! Share icon classicman1008 Report DEFYYYYYING GRAVITYY Share icon facefullofmekup Report Seen photos of this building before, this one is triangle. Share icon -herekitty_kitty- Report Gary thinks that’s hilarious. Share icon Piruh Report Run at it full speed and you’ll end up at the Hogwarts terminal Share icon theisowolf Report Personal opinion, not a big Sushi fan and that is not convincing me!🤢 Share icon nige21202 Report Someone is about to get a howler concerning use of a levitation charm in front of a Muggle… Share icon MyWifeHatesFrogs Report That whole sun zenith shadow thing I am guessing. Share icon Wasted-Entity Report I’m glad they are saving the tree Share icon Testostyrannosaurus Report If a man fails to wear a hat, it’s probably best to just stay the hell away from him. Share icon TheCanerentREMedy Report Poor tree trying its best to stay alive. Share icon InvertedContext Report 👐art👐 Share icon serpentcvlt Report “… My Boyfriend and I Saw …”Note: this post originally had 80 images. It’s been shortened to the top 53 images based on user votes.Anyone can write on Bored Panda. Start writing! Follow Bored Panda on Google News! Follow us on Flipboard.com/@boredpanda! Add Your Photo To This ListPlease use high-res photos without watermarksOoops! Your image is too large, maximum file size is 8 MB. Not your original work? Add source Ooops! Your image is too large, maximum file size is 8 MB.Error occurred when generating embed. Please check link and try again. 82 8 82 8Link copied!ShareLink copied!Share Author, BoredPanda staff I’m a visual editor at Bored Panda. My daily mission is to search for eye-catching images that will make you want to come back to us. In each topic, I challenge myself to discover the most viral, captivating visual content. In the office, I always have my headphones in my ears, as a result, I cannot sit still. Author, BoredPanda staff I’m a visual editor at Bored Panda. My daily mission is to search for eye-catching images that will make you want to come back to us. In each topic, I challenge myself to discover the most viral, captivating visual content. In the office, I always have my headphones in my ears, as a result, I cannot sit still. Author, BoredPanda staff As a Visual Editor at Bored Panda, I indulge in the joy of curating delightful content, from adorable pet photos to hilarious memes, all while nurturing my wanderlust and continuously seeking new adventures and interests—sometimes thrilling, sometimes daunting, but always exciting! Author, BoredPanda staff As a Visual Editor at Bored Panda, I indulge in the joy of curating delightful content, from adorable pet photos to hilarious memes, all while nurturing my wanderlust and continuously seeking new adventures and interests—sometimes thrilling, sometimes daunting, but always exciting! Writer, BoredPanda staff Robyn is an award-winning journalist who has produced work for several international media outlets. Made in Africa and exported to the world, she is obsessed with travel and the allure of new places. A lover of words and visuals, Robyn is part of the Bored Panda writing team. This Panda has two bamboo tattoos: A map of Africa & the words “Be Like The Bamboo… Bend Never Break.” Writer, BoredPanda staff Robyn is an award-winning journalist who has produced work for several international media outlets. Made in Africa and exported to the world, she is obsessed with travel and the allure of new places. A lover of words and visuals, Robyn is part of the Bored Panda writing team. This Panda has two bamboo tattoos: A map of Africa & the words “Be Like The Bamboo… Bend Never Break.” OK, I’m done here, at least for a while. The ads are making the page glitch and crash so badly that it took about 25 tries to get to the bottom of this list. I’ll check back in a week or so, but if it’s still broken I probably won’t be back again after that. I hope they’re enjoying the declining engagement numbers.I hate to see you go, but I believe a number of us are looking at leaving also. The fact that they can’t handle trolls alone is enough to make one reluctant to come here, but the absolute drop in quality as well as the glitching pages is fast becoming a fatal flaw . . . . .what I really have an objection to is we can’t see the extra entries anymoreThat happened to me yesterday. and even when the ad is over, when you push “x” it sends you to Google play to download gamesGreat thread. There’s such an incredibly high “wow-but-how?” factor in the photos shown here, this thread’s an instant favourite on the BP. Very well done!Makes it more understanding how people in the past believed in witchcraft, sorcery, and so forth.OK, I’m done here, at least for a while. The ads are making the page glitch and crash so badly that it took about 25 tries to get to the bottom of this list. I’ll check back in a week or so, but if it’s still broken I probably won’t be back again after that. I hope they’re enjoying the declining engagement numbers.I hate to see you go, but I believe a number of us are looking at leaving also. The fact that they can’t handle trolls alone is enough to make one reluctant to come here, but the absolute drop in quality as well as the glitching pages is fast becoming a fatal flaw . . . . .what I really have an objection to is we can’t see the extra entries anymoreThat happened to me yesterday. and even when the ad is over, when you push “x” it sends you to Google play to download gamesGreat thread. There’s such an incredibly high “wow-but-how?” factor in the photos shown here, this thread’s an instant favourite on the BP. Very well done!Makes it more understanding how people in the past believed in witchcraft, sorcery, and so forth.We’re also on Instagram and tumblr 0comments 21 points 0comments 21 points 2replies 21 points 11replies 19 points 0comments 15 points 1comment 24 points 4comments 22 points 0comments 14 points 14replies 17 points 11comments 32 points
Source: https://www.boredpanda.com/real-life-photos-look-like-bad-renders/