50 Times People Found Something So Amusing, They Just Had To Share In The ‘Woah Dude’ Group – Bored Panda

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When you’re stuck in your daily routine, constantly rushing everywhere, you can forget to slow down, look around, and appreciate the beauty that’s around you. Luckily, there are some fascinating communities on the internet to give you a nudge to do just that. One of them is ‘Woah Dude,’ an online group that has millions of followers from around the globe who share surreal and mesmerizing photos and works of art. We’ve compiled a list of some of the best pics they’ve recently featured, from the sky and nature to architecture and more. Check them out below!Bored Panda was interested in finding out how we can all take better night sky pictures, as well as how digital editing plays into a photographer’s life, so we got in touch with Ohio-based photographer Dominic Sberna. He was kind enough to share his experience with us. Scroll down for his insights!Luckily, there are some fascinating communities on the internet to give you a nudge to do just that. One of them is ‘Woah Dude,’ an online group that has millions of followers from around the globe who share surreal and mesmerizing photos and works of art. We’ve compiled a list of some of the best pics they’ve recently featured, from the sky and nature to architecture and more. Check them out below!Bored Panda was interested in finding out how we can all take better night sky pictures, as well as how digital editing plays into a photographer’s life, so we got in touch with Ohio-based photographer Dominic Sberna. He was kind enough to share his experience with us. Scroll down for his insights!This post may include affiliate links. Share icon Mexiart Report 😲 This is absolutely stunning!! Love, love, love! 😍”Photographing the night sky is not as easy as one might think. To take quality photos of the night sky, you really need a tripod to steady your camera. Setting your camera to a longer exposure will capture more stars as the longer the shutter is open, the more information your camera will capture and you’ll see a greater result,” photographer Dominic told Bored Panda.”However, if you want to focus on a specific constellation in the stars, you might not want a super long exposure. It all depends on what you’re going for. Using the surroundings to add depth to your images is another way to create meaningful and interesting images with the stars,” he said.”It almost seems commonplace now, but a band of the Milky Way Galaxy rising over a tree (or anything in nature) is always incredible to see. The stars are really amazing and we’re blessed to be able to capture them in a way our cameras allow that our naked eye does not. Making sure you are in a dark area is beneficial to capturing the depth and the beauty of the night sky. I highly recommend this website to find the best dark site closest to you,” he suggested. Share icon FittedMallard95 Report YES!!! THAT IS SO COOL!!! That is the BEST news I’ve heard in awhile. And it looks way cooler than abused animals being forced into s****y living conditions and performing. I just reread Water for Elephants and this makes me feel better Share icon reddit.com Report I become wrinkly when it rains, don’t hear me braggingAccording to Dominic, the digital editing process and the end result is up to the user. “I am an advocate for shooting in the RAW camera format if your camera has the capabilities to do so. Most DSLR cameras will have this capability,” he opened up about his personal approach.”By shooting in RAW, you give yourself the freedom to correct the exposure later and really fine-tune your images. Now, you should always try to have the correct focus when taking your photo in the first place, but sometimes you don’t have that luxury; a harshly lit situation is a great example,” he said.”I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again and again, but as long as you are happy with the results in your photography or art, you can’t go wrong. Staying true to yourself and your vision is the only right way to do things. The potential for a well-crafted image starts with the unedited image and the post-processing half of the photo is the fine tuning where you can really achieve the look you so please. Exposure, contrast, color, and depth are the things to focus on because with those, you can do so much.” Share icon roadtrip-ne Report I want that brand of colored pencils Share icon velvetpurgatory Report Holy cow. Look at that sweater, Share icon Yare_Daze Report WOWSurrealism, which the ‘Woah Dude’ community constantly makes references to, was an artistic and cultural movement that emerged in the early 1920s, from the Dada movement.In short, surrealism explored the depths of the human mind, hoping to tap into the unconscious mind and people’s dreams and fantasies.Generally, surrealist works of art feature dream-like imagery where people, environments, and objects are distorted and illogical. It’s jarring. It’s disorientating. It’s… mesmerizing, to say the least.From our personal perspective, we’re huge fans of Salvador Dalí’s work, and we can remember staring at his work with the melting clocks (‘The Persistence of Memory’) for ages. Other well-known surrealist artists include René Magritte (another fan favorite) and Joan Miró. Share icon LittleFootDid911 Report I would love to do that Share icon Clementine_AJ Report 💔 Share icon mungoflago Report Gorgeous! Remind me a bit of cherry blossomsIf you’re a photographer or artist who’s new to the craft, you might find it overwhelming and daunting to compete against everyone who’s already established an online presence. The internet is a bit of a double-edged sword here.On the one hand, it lowers the barrier to entry and gives everyone with a wifi or ethernet connection the ability to share their work with the world.On the flip side, there’s so much content and information online these days that it feels like whatever you post is being drowned in a sea of everything and anything. Share icon fishbethany Report Always up vote for frogs Share icon ThatAstroGuyNZ Report Jealous! I will admit it! Seeing the aurora (either hemisphere) is number one on the bucket list. I was one of the unfortunate few who missed it this past year. Share icon [deleted] Report WOW!!!!! Can these grow anywhere???? I read about night gardens. They sound too wonderful to be true like this flowerMeanwhile, you also have to consider the impact of generative AI. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a proponent or critic of AI tools, but you can’t deny that the internet has been flooded with low-quality ‘slop’ over the past couple of years. Your social media feed might be barely usable.And it can make actual photographers and artists frustrated that they have to compete for your attention against all of this. So, the question is, how can you stand out from the crowd? Share icon dec-art Report Like a modern steampunk “5th Element” Share icon reddit.com Report Beautiful Share icon swiet Report Natures danger pallette is incredibly beautifulThere are no secret shortcuts to going viral. A lot of it is mainly luck. The things that you can control, however, are what you create, what your online presence is like, when you post, and how often you share your content. The key here is to be as authentic and passionate about your craft as you can.Try to focus on developing your unique style and voice rather than worrying about your (lack of) followers and engagement. Keep it up for a long enough time and you’ll build a community of people around you who genuinely love your work. That’ll require discipline, persistence, and patience in spades. And don’t just create random content because you think it’ll be trendy. Share icon catch22milo Report There be dinosaurs in there. Share icon Xenomorph02 Report I can’t wrap my mind around the fact that somebody PAINTED these. Share icon DesperateAsk7091 Report trippy ahhh.The ‘Woah Dude’ subreddit is incredibly popular. It was initially created way back in the autumn of 2009. Now, in early 2025, it boasts a jaw-dropping 4.2 million members.While size definitely isn’t everything, a community so large is typically an indication that the online group is doing something right. In this case, there’s a constant stream of high-quality images that look out of this world. Share icon GallowBoob Report I love these! Share icon MattCloudy Report That’s a Balrog Share icon Sir_Wheat_Thins Report They added Pluto!! Yes!According to the team of moderators who run ‘Woah Dude,’ the photos are meant to be mesmerizing, reality-distorting, hypnotic, surreal, absurd, and all-around strange. “Think of the bizarre, erratic, and psychedelic nature of Adult Swim. Or the wondrous, mind-expanding, awe-inspiring nature of Carl Sagan’s Cosmos. Or even the reality-distorting, confusing, [mind-effing] nature of Eternal Darkness for GameCube. We’re all of that,” the mods explain.Generally, the photos and images shared by the members of ‘Woah Dude’ feature vivid colors, intense patterns, complex geometry, recursion, fractals, hyperrealism, abstract art, and extreme perspective. Alongside actual photos of nature and space, you’ll find macrophotography, electron micrography, scientific visualizations, and altered reality video clips, as well as art. Share icon shmerk_a_berl Report I wish they would put as much effort into women’s rights too. But yeah, the roof is great. Share icon treevarg Report So that’s the ashhole who clucks everything up… Share icon reddit.com Report I thought we were being f****d with but zoomed in and looks pretty real. Takes real talent imagine what people would think if saw walking down the street!If it’s weird, absurd, or paradoxical, it probably has a place in the group. However, the mods point out that you shouldn’t just post content that literally makes you go, ‘Woah Dude.’ For instance, people with rare talents doing stunts might be cool, but they’re not mesmerizing enough. Share icon reddit.com Report perfectly aligned photographer and or twig Share icon WonkyTelescope Report * Underwater Death Meatal plays * Share icon d*ckfromaccounting Report I am a talentless Neanderthal in a cave compared to these incredible artists.There’s a big focus on quality in the sub, which explains why the group has maintained its popularity for such a long time. The members of the community are encouraged to be as descriptive as they can in their post titles.Meanwhile, if your content can trigger epilepsy or ‘bad vibes,’ you should take the time to note this. Reposts and low-effort posts are to be avoided, as is so-called ‘freebooting.’ In short, everyone’s encouraged to be transparent and credit the original sources. Share icon navidj Report WOW !!!!!!! Share icon -N3ptun3- Report Well that’s terrifying and cool Share icon Aeogor Report They don’t want each other’s cooties.We’d love to hear your thoughts on the pics we’ve featured here today, Pandas. Which ones caught your attention the most? Were there any that genuinely made you do a double-take? Which ones were so mesmerizing or surreal that you didn’t want to look away? We’d love to hear your thoughts on this.If you have a moment, share your thoughts. Meanwhile, feel free to share the most surreal photos you’ve ever taken in the comment section at the very bottom of this post. Share icon starstufft Report The great A’Tuin! Share icon LittleDank Report I want to make a joke about being a Brit and this making me want to cry (waste of good tea) but this is beautiful. Share icon sasha_q Report Another amazing artist! Share icon [deleted] Report This is just excellent! Share icon reddit.com Report Could not believe these colors were really so I did some quick research and the sand IS really red! So beautiful! Share icon Bartmania Report OMG….. Beautiful, Well done Share icon gurudeep47 Report I’ve driven this many times. Very dangerous because of high winds. It’s not uncommon to see 18 wheelers “taking a nap” on their sides. Share icon Ok-Professional- Report Pspspspspspsp Share icon fishbethany Report The center chain is holding up the table top.
The four corner chains keep the top balanced. Share icon Keeganxvx Report 😲 Share icon GeorgieWashington Report 🤣 Share icon Dangerous_Fix_9186 Report I did a few pieces in MS Paint that I’m really proud of. Share icon AnthonyChristopher Report These could be trading cards or some funny party game! Share icon Krusader67 Report I don’t understand and I don’t want to walk on it! But I also kinda do… Share icon Andope Report Love this! Share icon reddit.com Report Limes bituminis Share icon danschaubdesigns Report Wow! Impressive! Share icon teemusphoto Report Apparently this is Dubai Marina looked at from above on a misty night. Share icon reddit.com Report I would take an extra step to avoid the hole, and break my back on the bale Share icon dickfromaccounting Report I worked this one out a few years back parkeergar…e283f3.jpg Note: this post originally had 80 images. It’s been shortened to the top 50 images based on user votes.Anyone can write on Bored Panda. Start writing! Follow Bored Panda on Google News! Follow us on Flipboard.com/@boredpanda! Add Your Photo To This ListPlease use high-res photos without watermarksOoops! Your image is too large, maximum file size is 8 MB. Not your original work? Add source Ooops! Your image is too large, maximum file size is 8 MB.Error occurred when generating embed. Please check link and try again. 119 16 119 16Link copied!ShareLink copied!Share Writer, BoredPanda staff Storytelling, journalism, and art are a core part of who I am. I’ve been writing and drawing ever since I could walk—there is nothing else I’d rather do. My formal education, however, is focused on politics, philosophy, and economics because I’ve always been curious about the gap between the ideal and the real.
At work, I’m a Senior Writer and I cover a broad range of topics that I’m passionate about: from psychology and changes in work culture to healthy living, relationships, and design.
In my spare time, I’m an avid hiker and reader, enjoy writing short stories, and love to doodle.
I thrive when I’m outdoors, going on small adventures in nature. However, you can also find me enjoying a big mug of coffee with a good book (or ten) and entertaining friends with fantasy tabletop games and sci-fi movies. Writer, BoredPanda staff Storytelling, journalism, and art are a core part of who I am. I’ve been writing and drawing ever since I could walk—there is nothing else I’d rather do. My formal education, however, is focused on politics, philosophy, and economics because I’ve always been curious about the gap between the ideal and the real.
At work, I’m a Senior Writer and I cover a broad range of topics that I’m passionate about: from psychology and changes in work culture to healthy living, relationships, and design.
In my spare time, I’m an avid hiker and reader, enjoy writing short stories, and love to doodle.
I thrive when I’m outdoors, going on small adventures in nature. However, you can also find me enjoying a big mug of coffee with a good book (or ten) and entertaining friends with fantasy tabletop games and sci-fi movies. Author, BoredPanda staff This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself. Author, BoredPanda staff This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself. So many amazing talented artists, creators, and photographers! This was a nice post!Excellent post. I don’t get why the title says ‘amusing’, though; ‘astonishing’ seems more appropriate.The incredible talent of these artists makes me emotional when I look at their art. Can you imagine being able to do some of these? And if you can, you’re very blessed!So many amazing talented artists, creators, and photographers! This was a nice post!Excellent post. I don’t get why the title says ‘amusing’, though; ‘astonishing’ seems more appropriate.The incredible talent of these artists makes me emotional when I look at their art. Can you imagine being able to do some of these? And if you can, you’re very blessed!We’re also on Instagram and tumblr 0comments 21 points 0comments 21 points 2replies 21 points 11replies 19 points 0comments 15 points 1comment 24 points 4comments 22 points 0comments 14 points 14replies 17 points 11comments 32 points
Source: https://www.boredpanda.com/woah-dude-mesmerizing-surreal-images/