50 Secondhand Finds That Are As Strange As They Are Wonderful – Bored Panda

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There are so many awesome curiosities you can stumble upon completely by accident, from unique-looking decor and cool furniture to bizarre clothes and funky knick-knacks. All it takes is a splash of patience and a keen eye for hidden treasures.The Weird and Wonderful Secondhand Finds page on Facebook is a celebration of all of this. We’re featuring some of the page’s most interesting finds to show you just how incredibly lucky you can get and how out-of-the-box some product designs really are. Don’t forget to upvote your faves as you scroll down!This post may include affiliate links. Share icon Weird and Wonderful Secondhand Finds Report Ooo! Very attractive! Share icon Weird and Wonderful Secondhand Finds Report incredible Share icon Weird And Wonderful Secondhand Finds Report Well hello, kitty!The BBC reports that, based on the findings by secondhand fashion retailer ThredUp, a whopping 67% of British millennials shop secondhand, while nearly half of Generation Z’s clothes are pre-owned. It’s estimated that the total value of the fashion resale market is likely to double by 2027 to a jaw-dropping $3.5 billion.However, this is still just a drop in the ocean compared to the size and breadth of the apparel market worldwide. According to Statista, the revenue in the global apparel market is estimated to reach $1.84 trillion. The largest segment of this market is women’s apparel, predicted to be around $0.96 trillion this year. Share icon Weird and Wonderful Secondhand Finds Report Add the leaves! It would be brilliant. Share icon Weird and Wonderful Secondhand Finds Report Fantastic. I’d have that in a heartbeat Share icon Weird and Wonderful Secondhand Finds Report Love it!There are some serious issues with the industry, though. For one, the BBC notes that US companies like ThredUp and TheRealReal aren’t profitable, while Lithuanian peer-to-peer fashion resale startup Vinted, which is popular in the UK, also posted a large pre-tax loss in 2022. British brand Depop also lost tens of millions in 2023.“The problem is one of economics. With the rise of ultra-fast, ultra-cheap fashion brands, the volume of clothing produced and shipped globally continues to explode, and consumers are offloading more of it after just a few wears,” the BBC explains, noting how one 2023 study found that a large Swedish charity has to pay to have around 70% of donated clothes incinerated due to their low-quality. Share icon Weird and Wonderful Secondhand Finds Report I’m glad it had some TLC Share icon Weird And Wonderful Secondhand Finds Report FREE?!!! WOW! Share icon Weird and Wonderful Secondhand Finds Report Gorgeous.Around 40% of the clothes that are exported to Ghana, which is one of the largest recipients of secondhand fashion from Europe, is considered to be waste.”There’s an oversupply of clothes. And it’s lowering the perceived value, and the real value, of everything,” said Liz Ricketts, co-founder and executive director of the non-profit The Or Foundation.”We treat waste as if it is a free resource. Sure, you might give it away for free, but it takes a tremendous amount of effort and labor and skill to try to re-commodify that thing that you gave away. Reuse is based on the quality and the condition of the individual item, which means that it requires a human touch and a human eye to assess that.” Share icon Weird and Wonderful Secondhand Finds Report Lovely! Share icon Weird and Wonderful Secondhand Finds Report Gotta love synchronicity Share icon Weird and Wonderful Secondhand Finds Report FantasiaBuying things secondhand, rather than getting everything brand new, has its fair share of pros and cons. On the one hand, secondhand shopping can be a wonderful way to save money, reduce humankind’s impact on the environment, and reuse things that are still functional but may require a bit of sprucing up. It’s also fun!On the other hand, shopping secondhand means that you may not always find what you need and you might have doubts about the quality of certain items. You also need to consider how much time and effort you’re willing to spend hunting down a specific piece of clothing, decor, or furniture. There’s a big element of luck at play here. Share icon Weird and Wonderful Secondhand Finds Report Geez! My Goodwill only ever has tat. Never has anything as good as some of the items on this page. Share icon Weird and Wonderful Secondhand Finds Report My mother paid a LOT of money for her hutch that is quite similar. Great find! Share icon Weird and Wonderful Secondhand Finds Report My sister would love this!!If you have plenty of time to spare, like to take things slowly, and genuinely enjoy browsing the inventory at different stores, then secondhand shopping is perfect for you.However, there are bound to be time-sensitive purchases that you’ll have to make. Sometimes, you don’t have the luxury of not getting something due to bad luck when you absolutely need it. In those cases, online shopping or heading to a store that you know for a fact sells the product you need might be best. However, that approach is sometimes hard to balance with a desire to be eco-friendly. Share icon Weird and Wonderful Secondhand Finds Report How does it feels to live my dream ? Share icon Weird and Wonderful Secondhand Finds Report It could also be a fantastic cat tree! Share icon Weird and Wonderful Secondhand Finds Report Beautiful cat – The chair looks good too.Buying furniture, clothes, tech, or random knick-knacks secondhand means that you’re extending their lifecycle. When you don’t buy new things, that means that the demand for that product falls, which should—at least theoretically—reduce the amount that’s produced and then transported worldwide.If everyone around the world suddenly decided to buy at least some things secondhand, hold on to their tech for longer, or repair what they already have, that would have a massive impact on global production and trade. Companies would pivot to match these new, more eco-friendly, and pro-DIY trends. Share icon I hoped it may at least have been a full size but after giving it a wash and dry and spread it out on the queen size bed in our guest room I found it was king sized! So much work went into this afghan. We live in a 1800s farm house so it fits right in! Weird and Wonderful Secondhand Finds Report It’s a bit sad that handcrafts like crochet are so undervalued. Share icon Weird and Wonderful Secondhand Finds Report My grandma had this same cookie jar and salt and pepper shakers. There’s a creamer? pitcher also. Share icon Weird and Wonderful Secondhand Finds Report Feed me Seymour! Feed me!Some items are always best bought new, even if you care about the environment. For example, MarketWatch warns people not to buy baby cribs, car seats, or helmets secondhand. To put it simply, you don’t know the history of these items and you generally can’t verify whether they’ve been in accidents before they were given away or sold. There might be undetectable damage. It’s better to err on the side of caution here.Other things that you should not buy secondhand include makeup, which can be contaminated with microorganisms that can then lead to serious infections. You also want to steer clear of mattresses because they may be infested with bedbugs that can spread to other parts of your home. Share icon Yes, I know everyone loves the Mosser cats and hates the clowns…which makes me want the clowns even more because I’m a weirdo.We built the shelves to go in between the kitchen cabinets over the sink, because my clown babies deserved a place of prominence in all their friggin glory.The chandelier was thrifted in plain white and made rainbow with alcohol inks to be the crowning jewel of the clown army. Weird and Wonderful Secondhand Finds Report Absolutely mavelousa, Share icon Weird and Wonderful Secondhand Finds Report Nice! Not sure I’d drive that far but its definitely special Share icon Weird and Wonderful Secondhand Finds Report That’s awesome. He’s a cute boy for only $2.97.. How much did you pay for the palette?Used smartphones are also iffy if you’re buying them from a random place. For one, you don’t know if the phone has been stolen. Meanwhile, it’s also possible that there can be malicious software left on the device, whether purposefully or by accident. Generally, it’s best to buy new tech if you’re using it for private communications and photos. Alternatively, if you’re getting a secondhand phone, at least buy it from a reputable, official dealer.MarketWatch also warns people not to buy secondhand knives, blenders, toy chests without safety hinges, recalled toys, or anything that may have lead paint. They’re potentially dangerous. And the few bucks that you save are not worth putting you and your loved ones’ health and safety at risk. Share icon Weird and Wonderful Secondhand Finds Report Love em Share icon He gave me this lamp that his uncle made for his mom back in the late forties early 50s. I had to get it down from the place it’s hung since new, along with the dust lol i had to reglue several pieces back in by the time I got it home and rewire it for safety. It now hangs in my castle room and reminds me of dragon scales lol and collecting a new layer of dust. Weird and Wonderful Secondhand Finds Report Now I want a castle room! Share icon Weird and Wonderful Secondhand Finds Report Pinky and the brain and cookiesThe Facebook page was first created in the middle of the summer of 2023. Over the past year and a half, Weird and Wonderful Secondhand Finds has amassed 86k followers and 7.6k likes.The curator constantly shares new updates and photos of interesting finds in the page’s feed, and people love it. Many of the items are very creative and in terms of imaginative design, they stand head and shoulders above anything you’d find at a ‘regular’ store. Share icon Weird and Wonderful Secondhand Finds Report Kitty approved. Share icon Weird and Wonderful Secondhand Finds Report Ooh, I’ve made bracelets from safety pins and beads but this is next level! Will need to find some larger pins and give it a go… Share icon Weird and Wonderful Secondhand Finds Report OMG!!! That is a REAL treasure!! Well done!Which of these secondhand finds did you love the most, dear Pandas? Which ones would you be happy to bring home with you? What are the coolest and weirdest things you’ve recently spotted at your local thrift stores, charity shops, and garage sales?What’s the most bizarre thing you’ve ever given away at a secondhand shop? Let us know! Share icon Weird and Wonderful Secondhand Finds Report Puurfect Pitcher/Picture) Share icon Weird and Wonderful Secondhand Finds Report Love. Love. Love. Share icon Weird and Wonderful Secondhand Finds Report I flung myself across the room off one of those b@stards. The start of my horse career. Share icon Weird and Wonderful Secondhand Finds Report Pimpin ain’t easy… Share icon Weird and Wonderful Secondhand Finds Report I have my mom’s Singer. Looks almost exactly like this. It has all the attachments and still works like new. Share icon Weird and Wonderful Secondhand Finds Report I’d take that gift ! Share icon Weird and Wonderful Secondhand Finds Report Very important ingredient. And love matters too. Share icon Weird and Wonderful Secondhand Finds Report Good find. Share icon Weird and Wonderful Secondhand Finds Report I think even earlier than that. I remember granny had one back in the 50’s Share icon Weird And Wonderful Secondhand Finds Report Memory unlocked Share icon Weird and Wonderful Secondhand Finds Report Is that a stack of big Oreos to the right of the cabinet? That IS a stack of big Oreos! Share icon Weird and Wonderful Secondhand Finds Report Looks a bit like a Henry Moore sculpture to me. Share icon Weird and Wonderful Secondhand Finds Report They all just need some instruments with a mic in front of the full toothed one Share icon It now sits in my dining room. We all joke about the ugly cat being worth a ton but we know nothing about it other than she bought it for a pound at an auction years ago. I have always thought it was beautiful and weird. Weird and Wonderful Secondhand Finds Report That is not ugly. It’s lovely Share icon My husband even ran lights behind it. He didn’t want it at first because it was his first job, but now he loves it! Weird and Wonderful Secondhand Finds Report Heck Yeah amazing work with the sign Share icon Weird and Wonderful Secondhand Finds Report 😂😂🤣🤣 Share icon Weird and Wonderful Secondhand Finds Report Wow, that’s gorgeous. Share icon Weird and Wonderful Secondhand Finds Report I’d change my name Share icon Weird and Wonderful Secondhand Finds Report Perfect for serving nightmare fuel! Share icon Weird and Wonderful Secondhand Finds Report Go back.Note: this post originally had 80images. It’s been shortened to the top 50 images based on user votes.Anyone can write on Bored Panda. Start writing! Follow Bored Panda on Google News! Follow us on Flipboard.com/@boredpanda! Add Your Photo To This ListPlease use high-res photos without watermarksOoops! Your image is too large, maximum file size is 8 MB. Not your original work? Add source Ooops! Your image is too large, maximum file size is 8 MB.Error occurred when generating embed. Please check link and try again. 82 3 82 3Link copied!ShareLink copied!Share Writer, BoredPanda staff Storytelling, journalism, and art are a core part of who I am. I’ve been writing and drawing ever since I could walk—there is nothing else I’d rather do. My formal education, however, is focused on politics, philosophy, and economics because I’ve always been curious about the gap between the ideal and the real.
At work, I’m a Senior Writer and I cover a broad range of topics that I’m passionate about: from psychology and changes in work culture to healthy living, relationships, and design.
In my spare time, I’m an avid hiker and reader, enjoy writing short stories, and love to doodle.
I thrive when I’m outdoors, going on small adventures in nature. However, you can also find me enjoying a big mug of coffee with a good book (or ten) and entertaining friends with fantasy tabletop games and sci-fi movies. Writer, BoredPanda staff Storytelling, journalism, and art are a core part of who I am. I’ve been writing and drawing ever since I could walk—there is nothing else I’d rather do. My formal education, however, is focused on politics, philosophy, and economics because I’ve always been curious about the gap between the ideal and the real.
At work, I’m a Senior Writer and I cover a broad range of topics that I’m passionate about: from psychology and changes in work culture to healthy living, relationships, and design.
In my spare time, I’m an avid hiker and reader, enjoy writing short stories, and love to doodle.
I thrive when I’m outdoors, going on small adventures in nature. However, you can also find me enjoying a big mug of coffee with a good book (or ten) and entertaining friends with fantasy tabletop games and sci-fi movies. Author, BoredPanda staff I’m a Visual Editor at Bored Panda, crafting captivating visual content to enhance every reader’s experience. Sometimes my mornings are spent diving into juicy dramas, while afternoons are all about adding extra laughs to the world by editing the funniest memes around. My favorite part of the job? Choosing the perfect images to illustrate articles. It’s like imagining a story as a movie in my mind and selecting the key shots to tell the story visually. Author, BoredPanda staff I’m a Visual Editor at Bored Panda, crafting captivating visual content to enhance every reader’s experience. Sometimes my mornings are spent diving into juicy dramas, while afternoons are all about adding extra laughs to the world by editing the funniest memes around. My favorite part of the job? Choosing the perfect images to illustrate articles. It’s like imagining a story as a movie in my mind and selecting the key shots to tell the story visually. I just got a Bluetooth speaker for $5 two weeks ago. It didn’t work. I’m good with taking things apart, so I tried to fix it. The switch was bad. Some rubbing alcohol in the switch, moving it back and forth about 20 times and some compressed air to blow it all out, and I have a great little Bluetooth speaker for next to nothing that would have ended up in the landfill.I got the cutest vintage-style (no specific decade, just generally vintage) dress for 7 bucks from a church basement thrift store, the same thrift store that my friend said never had anything good :3I wish I found stuff this coolI just got a Bluetooth speaker for $5 two weeks ago. It didn’t work. I’m good with taking things apart, so I tried to fix it. The switch was bad. Some rubbing alcohol in the switch, moving it back and forth about 20 times and some compressed air to blow it all out, and I have a great little Bluetooth speaker for next to nothing that would have ended up in the landfill.I got the cutest vintage-style (no specific decade, just generally vintage) dress for 7 bucks from a church basement thrift store, the same thrift store that my friend said never had anything good :3I wish I found stuff this coolWe’re also on Instagram and tumblr 0comments 25 points 0comments 15 points 1comment 28 points 3comments 16 points 4comments 19 points 28replies 20 points 6comments 23 points 23replies 22 points 2comments 20 points 5comments 17 points
Source: https://www.boredpanda.com/weird-wonderful-interesting-secondhand-finds/