50 Absolutely Incredible Pictures That Look Extremely Fake And Photoshopped But Are Actually Completely, Totally, 100% Real – BuzzFeed

Okay… these threw me for a loop.BuzzFeed StaffThe image was taken by the DSCOVR spacecraft about a million miles away from Earth.He claimed that it cured many of his health problems, including arthritis and acid reflux.In 2009, a round there cost $15.Clouds: what can’t they do?PUNY.Like a big ol’ rat.No, thanks!!!!!!!! I’m all set.Learn more about it here.They can apparently be used to mount solar panels. Also, presumably, for some really good dad jokes.Specifically, the eye wall of Hurricane Katrina.I mean, it makes sense…but still. Weird, wild stuff.Would love to commit a crime with this fella.Neat!Formerly the tallest statue in the world, the 300-foot-tall statue depicts the goddess of mercy.Gremlin mode.It’s not a big ol’ orangey planet from the outside.This type of avo is a Yucatan butter avocado. Apparently, it tastes “weirdly watery and green.” Not great, folks.You can read more about the phenomenon here.It’s pink because of a whole bunch of red-colored microorganisms in the lake. Ain’t that something.My goodness!Like something out of Mario Kart!This is due to “differences in temperature, speed, and water density.”It was equipped with both a hot tub and a helicopter landing pad. Just the essentials.No jokes, please. None.Specifically, Super Typhoon Maysak in 2015.These are known as Capri lemons, and they taste a bit different than your run of the mill lemon.It all depends on what you feed a chicken.This is like something you’d see in a dream.The ape was, well, giant. Like “as tall as a basketball hoop,” according to the New York Times. Chill!Aren’t you glad you know that now?A frog this tiny is known as a froglet. Ain’t that sweet?Truly awe-inspiring.It’s… it’s… a little tree. Don’t know why I never considered that.I am uncomfortable.They’ve been called “anti-paparazzi pants.”It gains the power of invisibility. And death. It dies.The Argentinosaurus measured about 130 feet across. That’s a big ‘saur!That’s one way to stay clean.It’s called a royal tern. Nature is beautiful.
Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/daves4/pictures-that-look-fake-but-are-real