5 Zodiac Signs With Powerful Horoscopes On February 1, 2025 – YourTango

Main navigationHamburger menuWritten on Jan 31, 2025It’s the first day of a new month on February 1, 2025, and five zodiac signs are in for some very powerful horoscopes. Leo, Virgo, Taurus, Sagittarius, and Capricorn have the best luck under Saturday’s astrological energy. But before we look at their specific horoscopes, here are the general messages of the day for everyone. We have a beautiful Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces lighting the way on this day for the collective. It’s a dreamy energy perfect for romance, creative exploration, artistic license, and soulful adventures. Let the cosmic currents guide you to unseen and unexplored paths. Trusting your instincts is key to the best results. Since Venus in Pisces often speaks of soulmates (both platonic and romantic), some of you may come across an important soulmate at this time or suddenly feel the urge to talk to someone in your life who always shares good advice and wisdom with love and compassion. Journaling your thoughts after such an interaction will help you glean deeper insights. Design: YourTangoMost compatible zodiac sign for Leo on Saturday: LeoBest time of the day for Leo: 10 a.m./p.m.Leo, your horoscope on Saturday is powerful and filled with blissful experiences. Don’t let stress block you from the good energy. Intentionally steer away from it and trust that the cosmos will support you and work out in your favor. Venus in Pisces urges the need for receptivity and trust. Interestingly, relaxing activities for a fire sign can be loud and raucous. So don’t hold back your expression and what makes you feel good. Let your inner lion roar!RELATED: 2 Zodiac Signs Attract Powerful Abundance Throughout All Of February 2025 Design: YourTangoMost compatible zodiac sign for Virgo on Saturday: LeoBest time of the day for Virgo: 11 a.m.Virgo, your horoscope on Saturday is powerfully beautiful, and clever things will happen to you. Sun in Aquarius and Venus in Pisces are in your corner, helping you manifest what you want. Also, if you feel like it, go for a haircut or a pampering session at the salon. When you feel good on the inside, good things will be magnetically drawn to you.RELATED: 2 Zodiac Signs Experience Luck & Abundance On February 1, 2025 Design: YourTangoMost compatible zodiac sign for Taurus on Saturday: VirgoBest time of the day for Taurus: 12 p.m.Taurus, your horoscope on Saturday is all about what you desire from life and what you are willing to do to achieve it. Journal about this and set the right intentions so your fears cannot hold you back. Venus in Pisces and Mars retrograde in Cancer are in your corner, urging the need for creativity with the right pace and patience. Now’s also a good time to engage with old-timey stuff, like music, retro clothes, and vintage vibes. It will bring inspiration to you and remove any creative blocks.RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Are The Universe’s Favorites In February 2025 Design: YourTangoMost compatible zodiac sign for Sagittarius on Saturday: CapricornBest time of the day for Sagittarius: 4 p.m.Sagittarius, your powerful horoscope shows that life’s good on Saturday for you, especially if you will be somewhere warm and sunny or in the company of your best friends. Make this day all about lighthearted experiences and laughter. With the Sun in Aquarius in your corner, you may make a few new friends. If you feel like it, pop into someone’s clothing store and pick something fun that makes you feel attractive. Let your personality shine through your choices.RELATED: People Born On The 1, 7, 11, 13, 24, 26, 28, Or 31 Of Any Month Have 6 Special Traits That Set Them Apart From Everyone Else Design: YourTangoMost compatible zodiac sign for Capricorn on Saturday: SagittariusBest time of the day for Capricorn: 9 p.m.Capricorn, your powerful horoscope on Saturday is all about planning and plotting for what’s to come shortly. With Pluto in Aquarius’ relationship with Mars retrograde in Cancer standing out here, you will leave the competition behind in dust if you utilize the weekend for something most people don’t use it for. Don’t spend the entire day on this; having fun is equally important to create balance.If possible, go thrift shopping and find at least three treasures. You get to decide what’s a treasure and what’s not. It’s all about the adventure!RELATED: What Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Know About February 1, According To A Tarot ReaderValeria Black is a Tarot Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality. Social Icons© 2025 by Tango Publishing Corporation All Rights Reserved.AboutGet the best of YourTango delivered straight to your inbox — the biggest stories, actionable advice & horoscope predictions!
Source: https://www.yourtango.com/2025382579/zodiac-signs-powerful-horoscopes-february-1-2025