5 Quick Tips To Improve Your Sharpshooter Skills In Sniper Elite: Resistance – Kotaku

Sniper Elite: Resistance is a challenging sequel that doesn’t shy away from testing your marksmanship. As such, you’ll want to bring your best self to each mission. Below, we’ve got a handful of tips we think might help you do exactly that, so take a look and put ‘em to good use.This kind of goes without saying, but Sniper Elite: Resistance is, uh, a game about sniping. You can go in guns blazing in certain situations, but you’ll generally want to keep a slow and steady pace. Much of your time will be spent planning how to approach a scenario, so you’ll want to keep tabs on where all of the bad guys are walking around.To do this, you can break out your binoculars or simply aim down your sniper’s sight with the reticle on an enemy. Train your sights on them and let the small bar above their head fill up, which will then leave a ping on them for you so that you know where they are at all times. This can make a world of difference when you’re ready to infiltrate populated areas—though be prepared to take quick (and quiet) action against any random enemies you may have overlooked.There are a variety of ways in which you can mask the sound of your sniper. You’ll come across generators you can sabotage to make noise, or even use the sound of thunder on a rainy night. You can tell when your sniper shots will be masked by looking for a wavy noise indicator at the very top of your screen. Plan to pop noggins when this is on your screen and you’ll be less likely to attract the attention of other soldiers in the area.Sniper Elite: Resistance features a mechanic that allows another real person to infiltrate your game and try to kill you (similar to invasions in Dark Souls). Luckily, if that’s not your jam, you can turn off this feature in the settings under the “Game” tab. The first option here is “Allow Axis Invasions,” and you can switch it on or off, or you can select to have invasions happen exclusively when you invite someone.As you play through levels, you’ll come across items that glow yellow when you’re nearby. These are often things like Satchel Charges, Crowbars, Bolt Cutters, useful keys, or even objective-related items. You should always pick up these items, as they’re always there for a good reason. If you pass up a Satchel Charge and then reach an objective that needs one, it’s going to be a pain in the ass to trace your steps back to where it was. Be proactive, dammit!Make sure to snag the two Health Boost skills. Getting shot hurts like hell in Sniper Elite: Resistance, so you’ll need all the cushion you can get on your health bar. Additionally, grab the Speedy Recovery skill to ensure that your health regenerates rapidly after you’ve taken a hit or two. You’ll be happy you did when you find yourself in the game’s most hectic shootouts.Sniper Elite: Resistance is available now for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and PC..
Source: https://kotaku.com/sniper-elite-resistance-tips-ping-health-noise-1851749709