19 Modern Gadgets That Older Adults Have No Plans To Embrace Any Time Soon – BuzzFeed

“I am often mocked for not using this. Never had one growing up. Never needed one.”BuzzFeed Staff—WilliamMcCarty”Me neither. We had one for a few months (we got it as a Christmas gift), but it would start talking or playing music in the middle of the night — it scared me half to death! Then it became obvious it was listening to us: ads for things we talked about but never looked up online started showing up on our social media, so that was the end of that. Yes, I’m aware that ship has sailed, and every device listens to us and maybe watches us far more than we want to think it does, but it makes me feel better not to have Siri/Alexa in my house.”—AnUnexpectedUnicorn—CartographerKey7322″Twitter used to be a decent place to get information and was fun sometimes. I now use Threads for the fun and Bluesky for news. Eff that X app.”—geronika—oneislandgirl—jefx2007—loquacious_avenger—RunsWithPremise—Opus-the-Penguin”I took a few classes on how to use AI. It was presented favorably, I understood it well, and I still consider it hot garbage.”—cingalls—Optimal-Ad-7074″An expensive way to make shitty coffee.”—bentnotbroken96—PixelTreason”Those services just cost a lot of money. DoorDash can almost double the price of a meal. I barely even have pizzas delivered anymore because of the delivery fees and tips that get added. I’m also not going to have groceries delivered because I prefer to have a choice. The delivery people just grab from the top and sometimes substitute.”—Only-Ad5049—SagebrushID—No_Ad_6484—OldGuyInFlorida—Ashilleong”I don’t own a cellphone. It gives me great pleasure to ask for a menu.”—brownishgirl—TR3BPilot”There are only two people in my household, and we don’t have that many dishes. It would seem silly to have one.”—hissyfit64—seeingeyefrog”I am not a fan. I am one of those people with a full grocery cart. It can’t handle it. They also always seem to be broken or need someone to clear some issue, and at a grocery I used to shop at, no cash was allowed. The lineup for the normal line can be huge as many use cash at that store.”—MidAmericaMom—p38-lightning—FantasticPear—SemiOldCRPGs”I’ve maybe turned on the TV five times since my husband died two years ago. He was the TV person. When we were dating, he asked where my TV was. I pointed to an unopened box in the closet. It had been a gift from my parents, who found it shocking that I didn’t watch TV.”—nakedonmygoat—SimpleVegetable5715Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.
Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/claudiasantos/modern-technology-older-adults-hate