--- # For configuration options and examples, please see: # https://gethomepage.dev/latest/configs/services - Panels: - PlexMediaServer: href: http://[ipOfYourServer]:32400 description: Media center widget: type: plex url: http://[ipOfYourServer]:32400 key: 12345abcde12345abcde12354 - qBittorrent: href: http://torrent.yourdomain.com description: qBittorrent Downloads widget: type: qbittorrent url: http://[ipOfYourServer]:8080 username: xxxxxx password: xxxxxx - Ombi: href: http://[ipOfYourServer]:5000 description: Ombi Panel widget: type: ombi url: http://[ipOfYourServer]:5000 key: 12345abcde12345abcde12354 - Request Manager: - Radarr: href: http://radarr.yourdomain.com description: Radarr movie requests widget: type: radarr url: http://[ipOfYourServer]:7878 key: 12345abcde12345abcde12354 enableQueue: false # optional, defaults to false - Sonarr: href: http://sonarr.yourdomain.com description: Sonarr series requests widget: type: sonarr url: http://[ipOfYourServer]:8989 key: 12345abcde12345abcde12354 enableQueue: false # optional, defaults to false - Whisparr: href: http://whisparr.yourdomain.com description: Whisparr XXX requests widget: type: sonarr url: http://[ipOfYourServer]:6969 key: 12345abcde12345abcde12354 enableQueue: false # optional, defaults to false - Lidarr: href: http://lidarr.yourdomain.com description: Lidarr Music requests widget: type: lidarr url: http://[ipOfYourServer]:8686 key: 12345abcde12345abcde12354 - Readarr: href: http://readarr.yourdomain.com description: Readarr book requests widget: type: readarr url: http://[ipOfYourServer]:8787 key: 12345abcde12345abcde12354 - Tools: - Prowlarr: href: http://prowlarr.yourdomain.com description: Prowlarr Proxy widget: type: prowlarr url: http://[ipOfYourServer]:9696 key: 12345abcde12345abcde12354 - Bazarr: href: http://bazarr.yourdomain.com description: Bazarr Subtitles widget: type: bazarr url: http://[ipOfYourServer]:6767 key: 12345abcde12345abcde12354